Straight Line of the Day: After Seeing a Poll Showing That Most Americans Hate the Federal Government, President Obama…

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After seeing a poll showing that most Americans hate the federal government, President Obama…


  1. After seeing a poll showing that most Americans hate the federal government, President Obama…

    warned of a backlash from Federal workers. “Don’t make them mad, you won’t like them when they’re mad.”

  2. After seeing a poll showing that most Americans hate the federal government, President Obama…

    …rewarded the rest by mandating that they get $15 an hour.

    …outlawed hate.

    …served cake.

  3. After seeing a poll showing that most Americans hate the federal government, President Obama…

    was told “The Peasants are revolting!” to which he replied, “You’re telling me?”

    declared there’s a thin line, between love and hate.

    immediately penned an executive order requesting replacement Americans.

    blamed Bush. George, W. or Jeb, take yer pick.

    decided not to believe his lying eyes.

    wondered why the Poles would care about what Americans thought.

    dismissed them as not representative of all Americans who practice peace and love as part of their submission to a single God.

  4. … grew suspicious when Hillary rubbed her hands together gleefully, saying “Good. I can feel your anger, citizens. Strike me down with all your hatred, and your journey towards the dark side will be complete!”

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