Straight Line of the Day: Beware! Scientists Now Predict That Global Warming May Cause…

Works like this: I feed you Moon Nukers a straight line, and you hit me with a punch line in the comments.

Beware! Scientists now predict that global warming may cause…


  1. Scientists Now Predict That Global Warming May Cause…

    post turtle choom-ridden Kenyans to become even more completely divorced from reality.

    Coppertone sales to rise.

    Wal-Mart to close 269 stores. It certainly can’t be due to America’s stagnant economy because the Wizard of Uhs said that the economy is booming.

  2. @Burt: you beat me to it!

    …scientists that get taxpayer funding to say that global warming may cause… (loop)

    …white only Oscars


    …the need to adjust the time down to cook in a microwave

  3. …melting ice caps to flood Europe with young male Syrian immigrants.

    …the streets of first world countries to run red with innk.

    …an increase in sales of battery powered self diving submarines, in Nevada.

  4. the heart-break of psoriasis.
    erectile dysfunction
    delusional people to believe that socialism works in spite of all evidence to the contrary.
    Obamabots to believe that Teh Won fixed the economy… in spite of all evidence to the contrary.
    anal seepage.
    receding hairline.
    polar bear extinction by starvation due to increase in polar bear populations.
    satellites to provide false data about global warming.

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