Straight Line of the Day: President Obama Said That the Republican Vision for America…

Works like this: I feed you Moon Nukers a straight line, and you hit me with a punch line in the comments.

President Obama said that the Republican vision for America…


  1. …would be improved with Bi focals, even though they are all rich fat cats with monocles.

    …is opposite of his, they use mirrors and smoke.

    …makes that down payment on the Kenya estate look like money well spent.

    …will bring about the most disgusting, tragic image ever to the world, a possible conjugal visit between the Clintons.

  2. President Obama said that the Republican vision for America…

    are now longer operative given the successful fundamental transformation accomplished by the greatest President ever, I Obama.

  3. President Obama said that the Republican vision for America…

    is whatever he says it is, irregardless of any “facts”.

    Now, little boy lost, he takes himself so seriously
    He brags of his misery, he likes to live dangerously
    And when bringing her name up
    He speaks of a farewell kiss to me
    He’s sure got a lotta gall to be so useless and all
    Muttering small talk at the wall while I’m in the hall
    How can I explain?
    It’s so hard to get on
    And these visions of Johanna [Republicans], they kept me up past the dawn

  4. will no longer allow the nation to undergo our calculated, grave decline in its moral standards. Relativism and permissiveness will lose; “sensitivity” toward the behavior of others, no matter how despicable, will lose; & our notion that self-esteem is more important than achievement will lose.”

  5. … is “A place where Jenny McCarthy has a role in the debate over childhood vaccinations.

    A country where you can walk into any IHOP and see black women fighting.

    And where Ubu is considered a good dog even though he never sat.

    It’s the land that lets people on Twitter spell the word “their” any way they want.

    And where, if you think you can dance, that assertion will be challenged and evaluated.”

    – Family Guy

  6. … is a city on a hill — not on a volcano.

    … is a city on a hill, not a settlement on a Hill.

    … is the Founders’ “Nation of Laws,” instead of Obama’s “Nation of Flaws.”

    … is described as “of the people, by the people, and for the people” — not “gov the people, buy the people, and force the people.”

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