Straight Line of the Day: Sure, Benie Sanders Wants $20 Trillion in Tax Hikes, But in Return You’ll Get…

Works like this: I feed you Moon Nukers a straight line, and you hit me with a punch line in the comments.

Sure, Bernie Sanders wants $20 trillion in tax hikes, but in return you’ll get…


  1. …the long-awaited, once-in-a-lifetime, get-it-while-you-can, strike-while-the-iron-is-hot, make-no-mistake, what-are-you-waiting-for, he-who-hesitates-is-lost, chance to experience true American Communism.

  2. Sure, Bernie Sanders wants $20 trillion in tax hikes, but in return you’ll get…

    to brag about being in the new 130% tax bracket.

    tax credits if you stopped looking for work. Or for that matter, never started looking.

    a countrywide foreclosure notice form the Bank of China.

  3. … rows and flows of Engel’s heir
    And Sanders’ castles in the air …
    (Grandfathers, Kenyans, everywhere;
    I’ve looked at clods that way)

    Now if only Barack had had a son,
    To reign and show up everyone
    So many things Trayvon could have done
    But clods got in the way . . .

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