Straight Line of the Day: To Prove to Critics That He Really Cares About Border Security, President Obama…

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To prove to critics that he really cares about border security, President Obama…


  1. To prove to critics that he really cares about border security, President Obama…

    prepared a strongly worded letter that he is going to post all along the border so that every illegal immigrant who passes it on their way into the US will know that he really, really cares.

  2. To prove to critics that he really cares about border security, President Obama…

    is offering an Executive Order that will punish severely anyone who colors outsides the borders of any picture. Joe Biden was devastated.

  3. To prove to critics that he really cares about border security, President Obama…

    called for increased restrictions on legal gun ownership figuring that, what the heck, the rubes might go for it sold to them in that fashion.

  4. To prove to critics that he really cares about border security, President Obama…

    has decided to return the US borders to their 1789 locations which he feels are more “defensible”.

  5. To prove to critics that he really cares about border security, President Obama…

    mentioned how one individual with no paperwork got through our border by way of Indonesia, and how America has suffered the last seven years as a result. President Jarrett subsequently fired the WH basement troll who impishly loaded that into his teleprompter.

  6. …assigned an armed guard for each person attempting to cross over from Mexico.

    …made all border states gringo free zones.

    …had a couple of rappers remind their listeners that they are white hispanics.

    …promised to dewhite zinfandel any liberal who opposes deporting illegals with an embarrassing number of felony convictions in their first twenty years of occupation.

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