The Illustrated Frank J: Best Crossover Ever!



  1. Leaving aside the question of whether they ever joked about the “Millenium Vulcan” . . .

    . . . and the question of whether they jokingly called their defensive shield “The Force” field, . . .

    here are some “inside jokes” about Star Wars that characters made in the original series:


    SPOCK: Lieutenant Uhura, have sensors learned anything about the nature of “The Force” which holds us here?

    “The Apple”:

    SPOCK: If Scott is correct about “The Force” from the surface, it may have to do with the vibrations I read earlier.

    “The Apple”:

    CAPTAINS LOG: Captain’s log, Stardate 3715.6. We have been introduced to Vaal. Evidently the source of the planet’s power emanations and possibly “The Force” that threatens both us and our ship.

    “The Gamesters Of Triskelion”:

    KIRK: Our destruction will result only in your own. You may control the Enterprise, but you cannot match “The Force” of the entire Federation.

    “The Lights Of Zetar”:

    ZETAR: The desires, the hopes, the mind and the will of the last hundred of Zetar. “The Force” of our life could not be wiped out.
    KIRK: All things die.
    ZETAR: At the proper time. Our planet was dying. We were determined to live on. At the peak of our plans to go, a sudden final disaster struck us down. But “The Force” of our lives survived. At last we have found someone through whom we can live it out.

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