The Illustrated Frank J: Finally Figured Out “Populist”



  1. This phenomenon can be understood easily through the application of elementary statistics.

    Imagine, if you will, the stupidity of the average person. Got it? Good.

    For the sake of simplicity we will stipulate that this average person also represents the intellectual median. Thus, half of the population is even more stupid than he is.

    That, my friends, explains Bernie and Trump in a nutshell.

  2. @2: Thank goodness that Hillary is proposing closing schools that are below average, to voters who are as well:

    Speaking in Iowa at a town hall event Monday, Hillary Clinton was discussing a recent veto of funding by the state’s Republican governor. “These schools throughout Iowa are doing a better than average job,” Clinton said. She then added a caveat, “Now I wouldn’t keep any school open that wasn’t doing a better than average job.”

    … while at the same time getting cover for her below-average remarks by below-average media:

    No, Hillary Clinton Does Not Want to Close Half of the Schools in the U.S.

    The Democratic candidate’s remarks about shuttering below average schools were taken out of context.

    Dec 23, 2015 … The Democratic candidate’s remarks about shuttering below average schools were taken out of context. [Honestly!!]

  3. There’s a lot of truth to this poster as Bernie recently admitted he wants to raise taxes in order to save us money. To my knowledge he has not yet declared that, War is Peace, Freedom is Slavery, or that Ignorance is Strength…but give him time.

  4. The first requirement for believing in collectivism, elitism, and progressivism, is to believe most everyone else is stupid. So stupid, they just need to be taken care of, for their own good. Told who to vote for, told how to live, told everything, because the poor sods are just too stupid.

    Maybe popular sentiments are so for a reason?

    Maybe you aren’t as smart as you think you are?

    Maybe everyone else around you has figured out something you haven’t?

    Populism is a double-edged sword, but is sometimes inevitable when a political class grows deaf to the people it purports to represent. And that same deafness can happen to people who think they are smarter than everyone else.

    I don’t believe most Americans are stupid. I think they’re rather brilliant, but sometimes disinterested in the political process. That’s a symptom of a whole lot of success. Because we are the most successful country on Earth. We have been able to survive pretty much every ridiculous politician who weaseled their way into office. But sometimes it becomes obvious to the disinterested. And when they get interested, things get interesting.

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