The Illustrated Frank J: Pre-Emptive Election Day Problem-Solving



  1. @5: Agreed, and no candidate would say “Don’t vote for the guy with the small-town, fly-over-country values!” because it wouldn’t be at all wise strategically.

    They wouldn’t, but should they?

    For liberals, it would be refreshingly honest if they did say it, and the proper response should be only one small part Offense with a large part Honest Disagreement.

    Cruz’s comment was not too egregious. “Don’t vote for the New Yorker touting his New York values” (because frankly New York does have a lot of baggage for conservatives) is similar to an outsider saying “Don’t vote for another Washington insider.” No one gets offended by that, even if they might disagree with the premise.

    I think voters and pundits just pretend to be offended by candidates that they weren’t going to vote for, anyway. Remember the half of the electorate that pretended to be “offended” when Romney said the truth: that they are effectively lost to the GOP.

  2. In what far fetched scenario does anyone have New York voting for any Republican? Whatever Cruz loses for alienating people who weren’t going to vote for him in the first place he gains more votes from places he can win.

  3. @6: Also agreed. I do like that he defended his own statement by explaining what “New York values” were to him, with emphasis on abortion.

    What he should do now is go to New York and give a major speech about what’s wrong with New York <bpolitics – and see how many New Yorkers actually agree with him.

    But, another problem is that he gives laborious speeches with long, drawn-out sentences. A Reagan on the stump he is not. And that’s too bad, too, because intellectually, is the closest thing to perfect out there.

  4. Yes — Cruz’s speeches are not fun to listen to. His one-liners are. His succinct points are.

    Intellectually he could clobber most.

    He’d get massacred by staged protests and the whipping-up media if he sets foot in New York. I assume he wrote it off.

  5. Go ahead…go RIIIIIIIIGHT AHEAD….keep making fun of our next President.
    The GOP Establishment and Dems (sorry for the redundancy) THANK you
    for splitting the vote, so the RNC can run !Jeb! and give the election to Hillary.

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