This IS How the Government Helps You

Despite a court order not to, the IRS erased a hard drive containing vital documents.

Remember, this is the same government that will keep all your health care records safe.


  1. So the new defense is “Oh, was it wrong for me to do that?” The only way the rule of law has a chance to survive in this country is with the election of a Republican President. Not that they would necessarily do anything but the media would at least rediscover that there really are LAWS out there.

  2. IRS excuses:

    “Was that wrong? Should we not have done that? We gotta tell you, we’ve got to plead ignorance on this. If anyone had told us that this sort of thing was frowned upon . . . ”

    “Well, all the stuff on that hard drive happened in Vegas, and you know the old saying.”

    “We were trying to create an AI Joe Biden.”

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