This Is Just About the Way I Remember It

Vice President Joe Biden said that “the 2nd Amendment says you can limit who can own a gun”.

For example, people who wear those jackets with all those little strings dangling down can’t own them because the 2nd Amendment says guns shall not be in fringe.


  1. So, neither mental retardation nor dishonesty are disqualifiers?

    Biden 2008: If Obama ‘Tries To Fool With My Beretta, He’s Got a Problem’
    Washington Examiner / Charlie Spiering / 12/19/12

    Vice President Joe Biden is expected to lead the White House task force to examine more gun control legislation, but back in 2008 he did everything he could to convince voters that his running mate supported the Second Amendment.

    “I guarantee you Barack Obama ain’t taking my shotguns, so don’t buy that malarkey,” Biden said to voters during a campaign stop in Castlewood, Virginia on September 20. “Don’t buy that malarkey. They’re going to start peddling that to you.”

    Biden informed the crowd that he was the proud owner of two guns.

    “If he tries to fool with my Beretta, he’s got a problem,” Biden added, referring to Obama.

    P.S.: two shotguns plus a Beretta add up to three guns.

  2. From the State of the Union Address:

    “Last year, Vice President Biden said that with a new moonshot, America can cure cancer.”

    X = NotX

    “The 2nd Amendment says you can limit who can own a gun.”

    X = NotX

    Biden on the Iranians taking Navy sailors hostage: ““And there was no looking for any apology. This was just standard nautical practice.”

    X = NotX

    Joe Biden “will not be bullied” by Clinton campaign into deciding on run
    CBS News | 10/19/2015 | By NANCY CORDES

    And some other snippets, while we’re minding our own Bidenness::

    Exclusive: Biden Himself Leaked Word of His Son’s Dying Wish [To Maureen Dowd]
    Politico | 10/06/2015 | By EDWARD-ISAAC DOVERE

    Fun Fact About Joe Biden, This Really Is His Middle Name…
    American Irony | 9-29-15 | The Looking Spoon

    Joe Biden says Life Begins at the Moment of Conception – Won’t Stand Up [{Chuck}] For That Life, Though
    Canada Free Press | 09/23/15 | Dan Calabrese
    According to an interview with the Vice President, he is “prepared to accept that at the moment of conception there’s human life and being.”

    I think I see a pattern

  3. Bear in mind that Biden is an attorney. As such, he has too much respect for the truth to profane it with his presence. It’s also worth bearing in mind that Biden is an attorney when people say, “He’s a lawyer. He must be smart.”

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