The Illustrated Frank J: It’s Not Fifteen


The Bad News: Their Vote Counts Just As Much As Yours

Awkward, a new viral video shows Hillary supporters endorsing Karl Marx for her VP pick.

Why not? The only difference between Karl & Bernie is the beard.

Link of the Day: Satire – What Life Will Be Like During Donald Trump’s First Term As President

[High Praise! to IJ Review]

What Life Will Be Like During Donald Trump’s First Term As President

[Think you have a link that’s IMAO-worthy? Send it to If I use your link, you will receive High Praise! (assuming you remember to put your name in the email)

Proof: Gunshow Loophole Not As Loopy As Liberals

CAUTION: Some crude language and censored swears – which is a shame, because Steven’s good enough that he doesn’t need to work blue:

[HIDDEN CAM: “Gun Show Loophole” Exposed!] (Viewer #1,414,766)

It’s Coming for You

Dutch Police are now training eagles to take down drones.

Interesting… gives new meaning to the term “bird strike“.

Doing the Most Important Job

[High Praise! to Sheldon Comics]

Not unlike an actual Department of Homeland Security agent