The Illustrated Frank J: Also, He Looks Like Grandpa Munster

[title reference link]

Might As Well Let Her Stay. She’s Already Written the Report

Some people are pressuring Attorney General Loretta Lynch to step aside in the Hillary Clinton email probe, citing a possible conflict of interest.

Nah, she’s good. What’s the harm in having the hen guard the foxhouse?

Please Don’t Tell Obama This

[High Praise! to Freedom Is Just Another Word]

Link of the Day: Satire – Gov. Snyder: Flint to ‘Donate’ Water Supply to Southern California

[High Praise! to Real News Right Now]

Gov. Snyder: Flint to ‘Donate’ Water Supply to Southern California

[Think you have a link that’s IMAO-worthy? Send it to If I use your link, you will receive High Praise! (assuming you remember to put your name in the email)

It’s Not Their Fault They’re Not Profitable – Gimme Your Money!

President Obama says he wants a $10 per barrel tax on oil to help fund “green” transportation projects.

Unbelievable! He’s not making it $15 to match that minimum wage he wants?

Obama Warned Us – Trust

“Democracy does require basic bonds of trust between its citizens.” — President Obama #SOTU


“But government requires only that you shut up and obey, peasants.”

Straight Line of the Day: Bernie Sanders Credited His Massive New Hampshire Victory to…

Works like this: I feed you Moon Nukers a straight line, and you hit me with a punch line in the comments.

Bernie Sanders credited his massive New Hampshire victory to…

Not Giving 110%

Hillary Clinton said she was “100% confident” that nothing will come of the FBI’s probe into her email abuses.

Say, isn’t that that the same level of confidence she had that Benghazi was caused by a YouTube video?