Having Power and Not Using It

[High Praise! to Freedom Is Just Another Word]


  1. But some aren’t joking when they talk in such terms:

    Obama: Climate Change Deniers Endangering National Security
    Absolute Rights | 5/20/15 | Alecs Garcia

    “Denying it, or refusing to deal with it, endangers our national security and undermines the readiness of our forces.”

    President tells people to ‘stick it to climate change deniers’
    americanthinker.com | 10/15/2014 | Ed Lasky

    John Kerry: Climate Change Deniers Shouldn’t Be In Officecite=””>
    hotair.com | 10/22/2015 | Taylor Millard

    Dem. Senator [Sheldon Whitehouse, RI] Hopes The DOJ Sues Global Warming ‘Deniers’
    dailycaller.com | June 25, 2015 | Michael Bastasch

    FEMA To Deny Funds To Warming Deniers
    Philly.com | 03/23/2015 | Katherine Bagley, InsideClimate News

    SXSW: Gore Says Climate-Change Deniers Should Pay Political Price
    chicagotribune.com | 3/13/2015 | John Carpenter

    Another Call To Arrest Climate “Deniers”
    Watts Up With That? | April 7, 2015 | Eric Worrall

    … In recent years we have all seen a worrying surge of hate speech against climate skeptics, and a disturbing level of political acquiescence in the face of murderous fantasy and intolerance. These incidents include a government sponsored celebration of climate murder in a theatre production, MSM cartoons celebrating political violence, more cartoons, proposals for soviet style forced “reeducation”, calls for the death penalty, calls for “deniers” to be jailed, wishes for divine retribution against “deniers”, the gruesome 10:10 video fantasy about murdering the children of “deniers”, and prominent environmentalist David Suzuki’s repeated calls for “deniers” to be jailed, here, and here…

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