The Illustrated Frank J: Best SCOTUS Pick!



  1. Unfortunately I suspect that the Daleks are all Democrats.
    My reasoning?
    I find it well nigh impossible to distinguish the voice of a Dalek from the voice of Hillary Clinton, with the possible exception that the Dalek’s voice is somewhat more soothing.

  2. But there’s no reason they can’t say “EXTERMINATE!,” also.

    If Congress, the President or some bureaucrat does something “UNCONSTITUTIONAL!” then “EXTERMINATE!” them.

    After awhile, there would be no one left in D.C. Then, we could restore the land to the swamp it once was and turn it back over to the Indians.

  3. Progressives scream “UNCONSTITUTIONAL!!” all the time, when it comes to striking down state laws restricting activities which the Progs have discovered are implicitly protected by the constitution’s penumbra of non-explicit rights. Rights expressly granted by the Constitution – the right to bear arms, the right to exercise your religion freely, the right to free speech – may be regulated to the point of extinction, but implicit rights – the right to abort your “mistake,” the right to prevent anyone on government property or with a government job from expressing or practicing his or her religion in public, the right to be protected from speech challenging your beliefs, and to live in a conflict-free safe space – those rights are protected with uncompromising ferocity.

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