The Illustrated Frank J: Decision 2016



  1. Still slow on the ball eh Franky?

    1- Rubio is an amnesty guy – basically a tool of the globalist – OUT

    2-Cruz is owned by Goldman Sachs and a Bush turd. Looking back the only thing you can say about GW Bush is: He was not John Kerry or Al Gore. Otherwise he broke an otherwise function country in Iraq and subsequently as a result Syria too. In
    retrospect he as all too anxious to perform brain surgery with a rusty spoon. ( Government is too blunt and instrument to bring democracy in another country )

    3- Christie – you can’t even be sure he’s a republican

    4- Ben Carson? I like him but I think he’d make the mistake of following counsel of the Ruling Class Oligarchy republicans

    5- Rand Paul? Too watered down version of Ron Paul. Can we have Ron Paul? He’s old but who cares. He’s ideal. Will he be elected? NO.

    That leaves the one person with the personal and physical courage to say NO to the globalist’s plans The voters have not proven sufficiently compliant in the looting of the nation so the globalists believe it is time to impoverish them and import new voters to overwhelm their numbers.

    Are you still enjoying the carp-toid that is the Sarah Conner Chronicles? haha.

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