You’re Going to Need a Bigger Broom. And a Bigger Rug

Loretta Lynch on whether she’ll prosecute Hillary: “This will be conducted as every other case and we will review all the facts and all the evidence and come to an independent conclusion as to how to best handle it.”

Translation: “More whitewash than Tom Sawyer tricking his friends into doing a fence”.


  1. We will do this like all our other cases, we will do what our politics dictate we do. In this case the standard operating procedure of [D] after name = dismissal, ignore or drop will be operative.

  2. “You’re Going To Need A Bigger Broom”

    Ideally, starring one of the mothers of the Benghazi victims as Mrs. Kintner.

    Loretta Lynch: I can do anything. I’m the chief of police.

    “As you can see, the grand jury has failed to indict, the sun is shining, and the Republicans have apologized. Enmity means friendship, you know.” – Mayor Lynch.

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