Straight Line of the Day: Attorney General Loretta Lynch Said That the Penalty for Denying Climate Change Should Be…

Works like this: I feed you Moon Nukers a straight line, and you hit me with a punch line in the comments.

Attorney General Loretta Lynch said that the penalty for denying climate change should be…


  1. Attorney General Loretta Lynch said that the penalty for denying climate change should be…

    condemned to live on a planet where the average temp. is 54.6 degrees Fahrenheit as opposed to one where it is 52.9.

  2. Attorney General Loretta Lynch said that the penalty for denying climate change should be…

    …being denied

    …being forced to watch all 17 episodes of Joanie loves Chachi over and over from now until eternity.

    …smelling Obama’s underwear

  3. Attorney General Loretta Lynch said that the penalty for denying climate change should be…

    to cut down the mightiest tree in the forest….with a Herring!

    2 minutes for not hockey sticking.

    4 games for bring up the ideal gas law.

    5-10 years in the Pen, with Hillary Clinton as your cell mate. [Ok so that is good side bad side]


  4. Attorney General Loretta Lynch said that the penalty for denying climate change should be…

    based a computer simulation that has unsuccessfully predicted the future 100% of the time.

    a cell, serious.

    der Kooler!

    the same as the ones we give to people who deny the science of Biology.

  5. . . . 2.5% of your household income, or $695 per adult and $347.50 per child, to a maximum of $2,085 – only it’s a TAX, not a PENALTY, and therefore entirely Constitutional.

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