Obama Warned Us – Helping Working Families

Strong policies that help working families get ahead are good for our economy.

“Just glad I never passed one”

One Comment

  1. Luckily, I speak jive:

    ‘Strong policies’ = Insane policies that will eventually bankrupt the county but make the slaves vote for democrats.

    ‘help’ = give “free” stuff to, see also, ‘Strong policies’.

    ‘working’ = never worked a day in their worthless lives.

    ‘families’ = never married welfare “mothers” with 5 kids from 5 guys, 3 of whom are in prison, 2 are dead and none of whom they can name.

    ‘get ahead’ = stay on welfare til they die or the money runs out, whichever comes first.

    ‘good for our economy’ = will help to finally destroy this racist motherf’ing country and turn it into a 3rd world communist hellhole it deserves to be.

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