The Illustrated Frank J: I’d Have Gone With “All Drains Lead to the Sewer”

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  1. I can’t shake the feeling that they pulled an Academy Awards:

    “And the new motto for The Washington Post is:

    “Democracy Dies.”

    “Wait — there’s been a mix-up. It’s:

    “In Darkness.”

  2. Democracy Dies in Darkness…
    … that must be why the White House Press corp is so upset about more media being represented?
    … and why they formed the secret JOURNOLIST
    … and so many reporters were outed as having deep ties to the Hillary campaign, even going so far as to allow the Clinton team to edit their stories
    …. and no one bothered to investigate Hillary’s involvement in the Uranium deal
    … and why all those leaders of the media were involved with the Clinton Global Initiative
    …. and so on and so forth

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