Friday Night Open Thread

I’m babysitting Saturday. My youngest grandson will spend the whole day with Papa. I’m looking forward to it.

He’s not quite two years old yet, so we won’t be spending the day fishing or anything like that. We will find some fun things to do, though.

[The YouTube]

Anyway, that’s tomorrow. Tonight, it’s up to you to pick the activities. Tell a joke. Share an interesting tidbit. Whatever you like. It’s Friday Night Open Thread.

Who wants to start>

The Great Thing About Lasers Is That They Kill in Eerie Silence

The US Army tested out a portable laser that was able to shoot down an 18-by-10-inch drone at 650 yards.

The next hurdle: getting operators to refrain from shouting “Pew!Pew!Pew!” while firing it.

More Artifacts Than an Indiana Jones Movie

[Image File Formats – JPEG, GIF, PNG] (Viewer #432,804)

I admit I started checking out a bit after the PNG format, but I liked the explanation for how lossy compression works.

Link of the Day: Late for Memorial Day, But There’s Really No Wrong Time for This

[High Praise! to Mental Floss]

10 Facts About the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier

Additionally, you may wish to view the changing of the guard ceremony

[Think you have a link that’s IMAO-worthy? Send it to If I use your link, you will receive High Praise! (assuming you remember to put your name in the email)]

Finally Heeding the Request to “Make Berkeley So It Doesn’t Suck”

Berkeley’s city council is considering an ordinance that would ban plastic drinking straws from its restaurants and coffee shops.

Why? Did a judge rule that using one is considered an act of free speech?

Liberal Emergency Kit

[Submitted by slapout (High Praise!)]

Alternative Headlines for Trump Abandoning the Paris Climate Deal

Saw this one on the Weather Channel:

‘Sad Day for the World’: Globe Reacts to Trump’s Decision to Pull U.S. Out of Paris Accord

That is NOT how I feel about it at all.

And if I were writing headlines for this story, they’d be more along the lines of:

  • Trump Waves from Dock As Climate Titanic Sets Sail

  • America Removes Red Nose, Leaves Climate Clown Party

  • Emancipation Proclamation: Trump Removes Climate Shackles from US

  • America Now Free to Sell Air Conditioners to Rest of Planet if Globe Actually Heats Up, Which It Won’t

  • Trump Meep-Meeps from Cliff As World Looks Down to See Itself Standing on Thin Air

  • Trump Takes Freedom Ball, Goes Home

  • Harrison Bergeron” Reboot Gets Happy Ending

  • USA 1, World 0: A Strange Game… The Only Winning Move Is Not to Play

  • “We Never Had to Take Any of It Seriously, Did We?” – “No, We Never Had To

  • Cool! Now Do the UN!

Straight Line of the Day: Proof That Space Aliens Live Among Us…

Works like this: I feed you Moon Nukers a straight line, and you hit me with a punch line in the comments.

Proof that space aliens live among us

The Illustrated Frank J: Even the X-Files Can’t Solve This Mystery



A billionaire aerospace entrepreneur who has recently worked with NASA said he is “absolutely convinced” that there are space alien visitors living on Earth.

Absolutely not. If there were, we’d see liberals lobbying to get them protected minority status.

[title reference link]

Cartoon of the Day – Leaks

[Bob Gorrell]

I really don’t have a problem with the idea of sources outside of official channels. However, because of their record over the years, I don’t trust the news media.