Saturday Night Open Thread

When I was a teen, parents were horrified if their children wanted to see KISS in concert.

In 1997, I took my ten-year-old son to see KISS in concert.

I suppose that makes me a bad parent.

Oh, somebody (not me) happened to film that Columbus, GA show and post it online. Really.

[The YouTube]

If you want to Rock N Roll All Nite, that’s fine. Saturday is a good time for that. It’s also a good time for Saturday Night Open Thread. You pick the topics. You control the conversation.

Who wants to start?

The Illustrated Frank J: Jesse Ventura Approves of This Trend


[reference link]

Link of the Day: Satire – Lester Holt Shares Surreal Off-Air Banter With Trump

[High Praise! to Mouth Frog]

Lester Holt Shares Surreal Off-Air Banter With Trump

[Think you have a link that’s IMAO-worthy? Send it to If I use your link, you will receive High Praise! (assuming you remember to put your name in the email)]

You Watch It Get Built, and You STILL Don’t Believe It Can Be Built

[Building The Golden Gate Bridge] (Viewer #291,003)

(If you aren’t interested in the background of the project, or the fabrication, storage, and transportation of the parts, the actual on-site building starts at 5:10)

Full disclosure: I was stationed across the Bay in Alameda for a few years during my Navy days, and I had the opportunity to cross the Golden Gate Bridge a fair number of times. As pretty as it is in pictures, it’s mind-boggling up close.

Even though this video’s pretty long, it’s well-paced and will keep your attention if you like watching things get built. Still, I have to admit that throughout the whole thing, I just kept thinking “this is engineering madness. Who’s the lunatic who thinks this will actually work?”

Also, I never knew about the net.

The Same Guy Who Put the Probability of a Soda Ban at 100%

Former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg said he thinks there’s a “55 percent chance” that President Trump will be reelected in 2020.

He’s probably right. Unless he’s using a climate change model to predict that.

Plus, the Free Travel Helps You Realize That Everywhere Outside of America Is Basically a Third-World Slum by Comparison

[High Praise! to Freedom Is Just Another Word]