Sunday Night Open Thread

I used to go to the movies a lot. I don’t know what it is, but I just enjoyed the whole experience. I even got paid to go to the movies a few times. That was awesome, even if the movies weren’t.

I haven’t been to the movies a lot in recent years. Mostly, it’s been to take a grandchild or two to see a film. But just me going to a movie, either by myself or with a special someone? It’s been quite a while.

I wonder why that is.

[The YouTube]

I find I stay at home and not go to the movies. Kinda like what you’re doing right now. And, as long as you’re not at a movie, why don’t you help with our own entertainment. Like Sunday Night Open Thread. Pick a topic — or more than one topic, doesn’t matter — and let’s make our own fun.

Who wants to start?

The Illustrated Frank J: Although I Expect Democrats Will Run a Sanders/Warren Ticket in 2020, and Make Mondale/Ferraro ’84 Look Like a Democrat Landslide by Comparison


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Link of the Day: Satire – Trump Suspends All Future WH Briefings in Lieu of 2024 Memoir: “You’re Welcome”


Trump Suspends All Future WH Briefings in Lieu of 2024 Memoir: “You’re Welcome”

[Think you have a link that’s IMAO-worthy? Send it to If I use your link, you will receive High Praise! (assuming you remember to put your name in the email)]

We didn’t forget, Frank

Cake provided by Les at Nuking Politics

Just a note to Frank J.

No, we didn’t forget. We remembered your birthday. What we didn’t do was write something ahead of time.

You see, Harvey tasks me to do these things. I need to earn my paycheck somehow, and this is as good a way as any. Only, well, this morning, before breakfast, when I sat down at the computer to write up a birthday post, things started happening.

One of the ladies from the church was having a Comcast service call on a Sunday Morning. She missed church. I missed church — though I did get to see some of the service on their YouTube feed. (Baptists got The YouTube!)

Anyway, I spend the day waiting on Comcast at one of the ladies from the church’s house. That meant I didn’t write a birthday post when I planned.

So, for your birthday, I helped make an old lady happy. That counts for something, right?

What I want to know — this isn’t for Frank, but for the readers out there — is what did you do for Frank’s birthday?

Oh, and happy birthday, Frank.

They Cheat With an Extra Sound Effect During a Short Clip of the Breakfast Scene, But Yeah, This Works

[Alien Recut as a Comedy | Trailer Mix] (Viewer #53,819)

I saw Alien in the theater back when it first came out. It was interesting enough, but I thought it was kinda slow & boring, and the poor sound editing made it hard to hear the dialogue sometimes (which wasn’t really all that clever most times).

But, without the first movie, there’d have been no second movie, and “Aliens” was such a vast improvement that the first film was a small price to pay.

Did You Bring Enough for Everybody, Missy?

During a speech in California, Hillary Clinton put forth the evidenceless assertion that “1000 Russian agents” were working to make sure she lost the election.

Darn. If only she’d passed out more RESET buttons.

Liberal Tears? Now I Can Oil My Gun!

[High Praise! to Freedom Is Just Another Word]

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