Monday Night Open Thread

The work week has begun. And, it’s already 20% done! Yay!

It’s Monday, but it’s night. That makes it Monday night. Which means…

Monday Night Open Thread!

You pick the topics, you control the direction of the conversation.

Who wants to start?

And the Only One With a Standing Army Big Enough to Blow Its Own Nose

The 11th annual “Global Peace Index” ranked the US as the 114th most peaceful nation.

Which tells me that there’s 113 smug little pansy nations that need to watch their mouths or get their butts whupped.

I Don’t Know If It’s Good or Bad, But It’s Short Enough That It Won’t Matter

[100 Movies 100 Numbers 100 Seconds] (Viewer #32,314)

I was fascinated by how many movies I recognized and thought I knew well, but did not recall the number scene.

I’m also surprised that Back to the Future got 90 instead of 88. Why did he say 90?

Link of the Day: Satire – Trump “Presidency” a Ruse to Penetrate Russian Intelligence, CIA Reveals


Trump “Presidency” a Ruse to Penetrate Russian Intelligence, CIA Reveals

[Think you have a link that’s IMAO-worthy? Send it to If I use your link, you will receive High Praise! (assuming you remember to put your name in the email)]

Maybe Disney Could Build a Park There?

A massive landslide has added 13 acres of land to the Central California coast

Jerry Brown’s already looking for a way to raise taxes on it.

If America Learned Anything in the Last Election, It’s to Reject Angry Women With Bad Haircuts

[High Praise! to AfterMath]

Straight Line of the Day: Hillary’s New Excuse for Losing the Election…

Works like this: I feed you Moon Nukers a straight line, and you hit me with a punch line in the comments.

Hillary’s new excuse for losing the election…

The Illustrated Frank J: It’s Like Betting How Long a Cow Will Last in a Pool of Piranha


[title reference link]

More Secure, Because Original Documents Can Be Faked on Old Typewriters

In a break from tradition, former President Obama’s presidential library will not contain his original documents, just digital copies.

Stored on private servers in the bathroom.

[title reference link]

Cartoon of the Day – Paris

[Dana Summers – GoComics]

Best summary I’ve seen yet.