Thursday Night Open Thread

I really enjoyed Star Wars when it came out in 1977. I also enjoyed The Empire Strikes Back. The Return of the Jedi was okay. I’m not going to discuss the prequels.

I own the original trilogy on DVD and digital formats. But, I don’t really, because of all the changes George Lucas made to the original movies. Those changes are … ugh. Well, most of them.

[The YouTube]

Oh, in case you didn’t know (the guy in the YouTube video seems to have not known) the original Emperor was played by Marjorie Eaton.

Really. Look it up.

Anyway, one thing that doesn’t change is that it’s time for you to take over. It’s Thursday Night Open Thread. You pick the topics we’ll talk about tonight.

Who wants to start?

Also, It Wasn’t Delivered by a Guy With a Towel Over His Arm

A new report shows that 13 Alabama counties saw an 85% drop in food stamp participation after work requirements were added.

Apparently reading a “will work for food” sign is not as popular as writing one.

The Lego Movie: Dark & Gritty Reboot

[Supersonic Lego Devastation] (Viewer #121,689)

I’ve never seen a Lego brick break before – they can take a lot of punishment. The massive impact-deformation these poor projectiles show gives you a good idea of the magnitude of the forces at play here.

Link of the Day: Actually More Insightful Than CNN and MSNBC Combined

[High Praise! to Iron E-News]

Satire – America is all like ‘Er mah Gerd’ and Trump is all like ‘Troll-lol-lol’, According to Informed Youth

[Think you have a link that’s IMAO-worthy? Send it to If I use your link, you will receive High Praise! (assuming you remember to put your name in the email)]

I Can’t Think of a Reason to Say No

A new study shows that many colleges completely fail to improve students’ critical thinking skills.

Which may explain why they do so well with alumni fundraising.

Remember, the Smallest Minority Is the Individual

[High Praise! to Freedom Is Just Another Word]

[title reference link]

Straight Line of the Day: Priorities! The Next Thing Congress Should Vote On…

Works like this: I feed you Moon Nukers a straight line, and you hit me with a punch line in the comments.

Priorities! The next thing congress should vote on

The Illustrated Frank J: Wonder If Rachel Maddow Would’ve Run With His 2005 Taxes?


[title reference link]

There’s Got to Be a Better Way

The US and Mexican governments reached a deal in a dispute over trade in sugar.

Oh… are they going to stop carrying it over the border by hand now?

The Pain of Creativity

So I said I might post more, and then right after I started to panic. What am I going to post about? Will it be any good? That’s exactly the stress I don’t need more of. So I could just not post… but another solution is just to post any garbage and not care if it’s good. We’re going to try the latter.

By the way, the creative process is stressful. When something just feels like it isn’t working in a novel, my whole mood is shot. When I used to make columns regularly, I got so worked up trying to find some new funny idea. And when you have the idea, for a new column or how to make a plot point in your novel work, it’s the greatest thing. But it’s rather miserable until then.

I’ve gotten good at brute forcing creativity. I used to write here every day for years no matter what, and it wasn’t easy. And I think I learned something from that. I can pound something out by sheer force of will if needed. It always feels better when I have some muse and the words just flow, but I don’t think you guys can tell what was fun to write and what was brutal torture.

Still, with novel writing, it’s become my rule that if I get to a section where I’m dragging my feet to finish it, then I need to rethink it and make it more fun to write. Of course, the rethinking — waiting for that great idea — is not fun.

Usually walking helps for me. Gotten a lot of great idea walking the dog. But she’s very old now (14). What I really want is the thing Scrooge McDuck had that I admired even more than his vault full of money: his thinking room. It was a room with nothing but and indented circle in it from Scrooge pacing. I want a dedicated room for me to pace and think. I need to start a GoFundMe for that or something.

Cartoon of the Day – Regret

[Glenn McCoy – GoComics]

The idiocy of the left never ceases to amaze me. Wait. That’s not true. I now expect it, and my expectations are always met.