Friday Night Open Thread

You’ve worked all week, and now it’s the weekend.

I’ve been looking forward to it all week.

[The YouTube]

Now, we’re looking forward to your taking control of things. It’s Friday Night Open Thread. Pick a topic and go at it.

Who wants to start?

The Walking… Something

A company plans to test out a series of injections that they claim will be able to bring brain-dead patients back to life.

If their company logo is an umbrella, I’m buying a zombie shotgun.

Very Much Like a Visit to Your Obamacare Doctor

[ABDUCTION | Chris & Jack] (Viewer #736,190)

It occurs to me that my cats must’ve felt a lot like this when I’d take them to the vet.

Link of the Day: Art of the Deal 2

[High Praise! to The Red Shtick]

Satire – Trump to America: “I’ll Get You Another Season of Firefly If You Stop Asking for My Impeachment”

[Think you have a link that’s IMAO-worthy? Send it to If I use your link, you will receive High Praise! (assuming you remember to put your name in the email)]

Begging the Monarchy’s Leave? How Quaintly Subservient!

British Prime Minister Theresa May plans to ask Queen Elizabeth’s permission to form a government despite her party losing the majority.

Good luck with that… she already said no to Hillary Clinton.

Always Something to Be Angry About

[High Praise! to The Dry Bones Blog]

I can almost understand Muslims being angry about Israel “occupying” their land, but what’s their beef with Britain?

Straight Line of the Day: A Billionaire Backed by a Consortium of Scientists Wants to Build an Independent Nation in Space, Called…

Works like this: I feed you Moon Nukers a straight line, and you hit me with a punch line in the comments.

A billionaire backed by a consortium of scientists wants to build an independent nation in space called…

The Illustrated Frank J: Hopefully Roberts Will Decide the Travel Ban Is a Tax and Allow It


So Green!

In his latest effort to move forward on the project, President Trump is proposing that the Mexican border wall he wants built should have solar panels on it.

Fine. It’ll give the laser kill-bot patrols a place to recharge.

Cartoon of the Day – Burden

[A.F. Branco]

Enough is enough.