Sunday Night Open Thread

This is both the last and next-to-last post of the evening. Lemme ‘splain. No. There is too much. Lemme sum up.

I wrote this ahead of time. I usually do. So, I’m probably doing something else right now, maybe even sleeping. Got a busy day tomorrow. And, I need to set an alarm and get up around midnight or so and run an update on the blog. I always post an “Updating” notice, close comments, and other stuff to prevent problems with the update. That will happen. Then, after I’m done — it won’t take long — I’ll remove the “Updating” notice and this will again be the last post of the night.

So, for now, it’s Sunday Night Open Thread. Tell a joke. Share a story. Storm the castle. It’s up to you.

Who wants to start?

The Illustrated Frank J: You Could Call It WWIII, But Making Someone Cry Isn’t Technically an Act of War


Link of the Day: Satire – President Trump Stress Disorder

[High Praise! to Humor Times]

President Trump Stress Disorder

[Think you have a link that’s IMAO-worthy? Send it to If I use your link, you will receive High Praise! (assuming you remember to put your name in the email)]

For a Finishing Touch, Elvish Writing That Glows When You Throw It in the Fireplace

[The Fascinating Repairmen #014 “The Jewelry”] (Viewer #)

If you want to skip ahead to 3:05 when the actual repair work starts, I can tell you that the problem is that it’s missing the prongs that hold one of the stones in place (which is what he works on first), and it’s also been cut through on the bottom, so he has to connect that back together.

Or you can pop in at 2:25 & 2:45 and see the problems for yourself.

[title reference link]

Picture Him Screaming “NOOOOOOO!” Like Darth Vader

Despite new UN sanctions, North Korea fired several ballistic missiles off its east coast.

Spoiler alert: also Aquaman’s origin story.

[title reference link]

Liberals, in Slow Motion

[High Praise! to Freedom Is Just Another Word]