Monday Night Open Thread

It’s that time.

Or do I need to give you that warning? Nope?

Okay then.

Monday Night Open Thread is here. Have at it. Post a link, a joke, a comment on … well, anything.

Who wants to start?

When You Get Conned Into Buying Magic Beans, At Least You Can Eat the Beans

Former Obama adviser Valerie Jarrett said that, because President Trump withdrew from the Paris climate accord, the US is no longer the world’s “beacon of hope”.

True. For the part of the world trying to get rich selling carbon credits.

And Now Over to Joerg Sprave for a Demonstration on How to Transform This Into a Lethal Weapon

[NERF Blaster: Air Restriction Mechanism] (Viewer #931,498)

You can always tell an engineer, because he’s the one trying to override safety features for fun

[title reference link]

Link of the Day: Re: #1 – On the Deep Ocean, It’s Not Blue so Much As an Indigo That’s Almost Black in Its Inky Darkness

[High Praise! to Mental Floss]

25 Things You Didn’t Know About the World’s Oceans

[title reference link]

[Think you have a link that’s IMAO-worthy? Send it to If I use your link, you will receive High Praise! (assuming you remember to put your name in the email)]

Quitting is Contagious

Because of the school’s new weapons policy allowing students to carry concealed guns on campus, a tenured professor at Wichita State University has chosen to retire in protest.

Good news – so will a lot of criminals.

I Think “You Don’t Understand” Is Code for “Your Decency Make Me Look Bad, So I Will Belittle You Instead of Aspiring to Be More Like You”

[High Praise! to Freedom Is Just Another Word]

[reference link]

Straight Line of the Day: I Don’t Understand British Politics. Last Week, They Accidentally Elected…

Works like this: I feed you Moon Nukers a straight line, and you hit me with a punch line in the comments.

I don’t understand British politics. Last week, they accidentally elected…


I already forgot my promise (well, more aspiration) to write more posts. Slept in today and forgot. Well, I’ll try for something tomorrow.

The Illustrated Frank J: “Blago Him”


I Will Always Be Baffled by the Ankle Mickey

A new report shows that a quarter of US adults now have tattoos.

Weird how people who can’t commit to a marriage for 5 years can pledge a lifetime to a Disney character.

Cartoon of the Day – Testimony

[Mike Lester – GoComics]

Some called Comey’s testimony a “nothing burger” but that’s incorrect. He showed there were those in the administration that used their position to try to help a candidate. Only, it was the Obama administration, and the candidate was Hillary Clinton. Oops!