Tuesday Night Open Thread

You can’t get something for nothing.

Or can you?

[The YouTube]

Another way to get something for nothing? Write a post with nothing in it and call it Open Thread, asking the folks reading it to actually write the meaningful content too. But would that work? Who knows.

Okay, you know. Because it’s Tuesday Night Open Thread, and your turn to tell a joke, share a link, or whatever you want.

Who wants to start?

Jongy Craig

A new report shows that two billion people across the world are obese.

Easy fix – just put the government in charge of feeding people. Works great in North Korea.

[title reference link]

The Sequel Isn’t As Good As Stephen King’s Original

[Sandwich Bag Fire Starter] (Viewer #849,742)

All I know is that if I get lost in the woods, I hope the trail has been previously hiked by littering hipsters.

[title reference link]

Link of the Day: PC Poltergeist – I Am Intrigued

[High Praise! to Basic Instructions]

How to Create an Original Story

[Think you have a link that’s IMAO-worthy? Send it to harvolson@gmail.com. If I use your link, you will receive High Praise! (assuming you remember to put your name in the email)]

Watch That First Step, It’s a Doozy

A top expert has claimed North Korea’s military is just one step away from launching a nuclear-tipped intercontinental ballistic missile capable of reaching the US.

So… also one step away from Trump tweeting “no sense letting US nuclear arsenal sit around wasting away like some stupid MOAB. #Preemptive”.

[title reference link]

Where the Chain of Responsibility Ends

[High Praise! to Freedom Is Just Another Word]

Straight Line of the Day: Now Approaching Earth from Outer Space…

Works like this: I feed you Moon Nukers a straight line, and you hit me with a punch line in the comments.

Now approaching Earth from outer space…

The Illustrated Frank J: Murder by Nature


I Don’t Care for Trump

I don’t care for Trump.

Maybe you’ve picked up on that. I don’t know if I’ve really articulated the reasons, though. But then, thinking about it, it’s a bit hard to explain exactly why.

It’s like if I walked into my living room and saw someone had vomited right in the middle of the floor. I’d say, “Oh, I do not like this. This is something I don’t care for.” But what if someone else then responded really indignantly, “Why? What’s wrong with it?” I’d probably be taken aback. I don’t think I’d have a good response right away. I’m just used to my displeasure of vomit on things being accepted without question. Now that I have to explain it, I’m a bit confused as where to start.

Which is not to say I don’t understand the appeal of vomit in certain situations. Like seeing vomit all over everything Barack Obama tried to accomplish, my reaction is, “Oh, how amusing. How droll.” But the problem with vomit is it’s not very discriminating on what it gets on. So at other times I’m like, “Oh no. Vomit is all over the principles most important to me! No one will take them seriously with vomit all over them!”

Now — and this is very important — just because I’m comparing Trump to vomit, doesn’t mean there’s someone else I’d rather be president or believe would do a better job. Trump’s fine as president; I’m not freaking out about it. In fact, to me the most optimal thing that could happen next is for Trump to go into the 2020 elections with under 20% approval and then win reelection easily.

But I don’t care for him.

Wish They’d Treat Terrorists the Way They Treat Trump

During an interview on Fox, Ivanka Trump said of the way her father was treated by the press, “there’s a level of viciousness that I was not expecting”.

And you’re just scratching the surface, Ivanka. Plumbing the depths of media indecency is like Ripley riding the elevator down at the end of “Aliens”

Cartoon of the Day – Nothing

[Michael P. Ramirez]

Liberal logic. Ramirez nails it.