Thursday Night Open Thread

We’ve almost made it. It’s Friday Eve!

I hope your week has been a good one. And I hope you enjoy each other’s company tonight. Because it’s time to entertain yourselves. Yep, it’s Thursday Night Open Thread.

You control the conversation, or don’t converse, just shout out silly things. See what sticks.

Who wants to start?

21st Century Performance Art

Facebook has a plan to watch you through your smartphone camera while you browse Facebook pages.

Good luck with that. Who would log on to Facebook knowing that strangers will secretly be paying attention to them?

Plink Plink Plinkle Plink

[How a Wind Up Music Box Works] (Viewer #488,542)

I always thought it was just a bumpy drum & teeth. I had no idea how much fiddling about went into that metal comb.

Link of the Day: In the End, You’ll Thank Me for This

[High Praise! to Dinosaur Comics]

Imagine If You Were Never Born

[Think you have a link that’s IMAO-worthy? Send it to If I use your link, you will receive High Praise! (assuming you remember to put your name in the email)]

And Yet Didn’t Alter or Delete Any Data, So I’m Not Sure Why the Fussing

A new report shows that Russian hackers attacked voting databases in 39 states before the 2016 elections.

We’re not taking this sitting down. Quick! Change all the passwords from “password” to “P4$$w0rd”

Saving Feminism

[Submitted by slapout (High Praise!)]

Straight Line of the Day: In Order to Pay Off the National Debt, President Trump Should Sell…

Works like this: I feed you Moon Nukers a straight line, and you hit me with a punch line in the comments.

In order to pay off the national debt, President Trump should sell

The Illustrated Frank J: Doom – It’s Inevitable


Advance Token

In a desperate attempt to raise money, the city of Houston, TX, is selling off some of its city streets.

Perfect. I’ll take Illinois, Kentucky, and Indiana Avenues & build hotels on them.

Cartoon of the Day – Quiz

[A. F. Branco]

I have to disagree with Mr. Branco just a little. I’m in favor of the filibuster. If the GOP Senators were truly interested in getting things done — and they’re not, which is the actual problem — they’d let the Democrats filibuster. Let them sit up all night, or several nights in a row, talking and talking. They can outlast them and pass the proper legislation anyway. That’d really tick the Democrats off.