Friday Night Open Thread

So, what’s on your agenda tonight?

Movie? Night out listening to music? Quiet night at home? Spending all your iTunes cash on power ups for iPhone games?

[The YouTube]

Whatever’s on your agenda, thanks for stopping by and participating in the Friday Night Open Thread. Got a joke? A link? Something clever to say? Something stupid? Hey, let’s do this.

Who wants to start?

Digital Flu Claims Another Victim

Time Inc said it is eliminating 300 positions, or 4% of its workforce.

I was going to ask “why?” but then I realized I read the story on the internet, not in Time Magazine.

My First Thought Would Be “Good Heavens! Where Do You Even Start on a Job of This Magnitude?”

[Repainting our Virgin Australia Boeing 737] (Viewer #664,267)

That’s not white paint they’re spraying on, that’s paint remover.

And I’d hate to clean the floor after it stops dripping.

Link of the Day: Shorter – a List of People Who HAVEN’T Tried to Influence Our Election

[High Praise! to Scott Adams’ Blog]

Russia Hacked our Election! (So what?)

Several good points in this piece, this being my favorite:

It’s hard for me to imagine a scenario in 2017 in which Russia gains by poking America with a sharp stick. The probable outcome seems more bad than good. Who wants an [angry] nuclear superpower looking in your direction? It doesn’t pass the sniff test. If Putin were an idiot, I could see him wanting to cause this sort of trouble just because he was dumb.

Putin isn’t dumb.

I’d like to introduce a new hypothesis to explain why Russia might have wanted to influence American elections: They believed a Hillary Clinton presidency would be a disaster to the world, including Russia.

[Think you have a link that’s IMAO-worthy? Send it to If I use your link, you will receive High Praise! (assuming you remember to put your name in the email)]

They Will Rise Up and Give You Fries With That

In California, a company is planning on launching the first robot-run fast food restaurant.

Apparently the “kill all humans” robopocalypse will now be by cholesterol overdose.

Elsie, But I’m Actually More of a Well-Wisher, in That I Don’t Wish Her Any Specific Harm

[Submitted by slapout (High Praise!)]

[title reference link]


Straight Line of the Day: New Robot-Run Restaurant – Its Signature Dish…

Works like this: I feed you Moon Nukers a straight line, and you hit me with a punch line in the comments.

New robot-run restaurant – its signature dish……

The Illustrated Frank J: Old Fact, New Fact, Hard Fact, True Fact


How Would You Keep Lamps Out of the Hands of Criminals?

Gun control is not a magical spell. I say this, because when there is a shooting, people invoke the word “gun control” like there is some special law that will keep someone intent on murder from being able to access a gun. The problem is, there are 400 million guns in this country and they’re basically everywhere. I mean, I’m in a Texas neighborhood — there’s probably hundreds of guns around me right now. So what exactly is the law that keeps a criminal from picking one of those up?

Maybe to look at this more objectively, we should talk about something other than guns. How about lamps. Like guns, those are pretty ubiquitous. Let’s imagine we had to keep lamps out of the hands of criminals or people could die.

Now, you might pass stringent laws on purchasing new lamps, but there’s already hundreds of millions of lamps out there. I guess you could start lamp confiscation (though that would make people angry; they love lamp). But how would that work? An honor system? Or would throw out the Constitution and go door to door checking every one’s homes for lamps? And how many would that miss considering people would hide lamps from the fascist, lamp-hating government? Plus there’s lamps in attics and basements people would just forgot about. Also recall that it’s not that hard to make a lamp — it’s just wires and a big metal socket for the bulb. People could make makeshift lamps. I guess you could try to make bulbs more expensive — which I guess they did by outlawing incandescent bulbs — but you can still get plenty of cheap bulbs from Mexico.

If you’re honest about it, you’d have to admit it’s basically impossible to stop criminals from getting their hands on working lamps. Thus the only real strategy is to prevent them from using them, such as really harsh laws for possession of a lamp in commission of a crime. Of course, that won’t stop people intent on mass murder who don’t care if they live or die from using lamps, but that’s always going to be an edge case that’s hard to prevent.

Spam & Pineapple?

In a recent study, 98% of college students gave away their friends’ emails when promised free pizza

Which is STILL better IT security than most Obamacare websites.

Cartoon of the Day – Whacked

[Glenn McCoy – GoComics]

That’s whacked!