Tuesday Night Open Thread

Some people hate growing old. Me? I embrace it.

Sure, what I once could do all night, takes me all night to do once. But that’s not necessarily a bad thing.

Some of you understand what it’s like getting (or being) old. Some of you need a block of instruction.

[The YouTube]

What never gets old is reading your comments on the posts here. They’re great. That’s why we started this nightly Open Thread thingy. It’s a chance to read your comments, but let you pick the topic. Or topics.

Who wants to start?

Right Actions, Wrong Participants

Google says it is creating new policies and practices to suppress terrorism-related videos

Sounds great. Any chance we could get a Muslim or two to chime in similarly?

The Many Aspects of Cellphone Design

[Cell Phone Design] (Viewer #396,408)

Apparently there’s more to consider than just ripping off idiot teenagers who upgrade because their case is the wrong color.

Link of the Day: For People Who Actually Attended a Reputable Clown College

[High Praise! to Mental Floss]

12 Behind-the-Scenes Secrets of Professional Clowns

[Think you have a link that’s IMAO-worthy? Send it to harvolson@gmail.com. If I use your link, you will receive High Praise! (assuming you remember to put your name in the email)]

Maybe They Could Tighten Up the Guest List a Little

The CEO’s of Amazon and Apple are meeting at the White House as part of President Trump’s “innovation initiative”.

Perfect. Bezos can brainstorm ways to add exciting, innovative features to things while Cook can take away basic features people love and depend on every day.

This Is Why You Don’t Let Hollywood Reboot John Wayne

[High Praise! to Rubes]

Straight Line of the Day: The Most Popular Tattoo for Liberals to Get…

Works like this: I feed you Moon Nukers a straight line, and you hit me with a punch line in the comments.

The most popular tattoo for liberals to get…

The Illustrated Frank J: Snape Needs to Recuse Himself


Like the Pot Calling the Refrigerator Black

CBS News anchor Scott Pelley said that the DC shooter’s attack on Republican congressmen was “to some degree, self-inflicted“.

Unlike CBS’s plummeting ratings, right?

Cartoon of the Day – Surprise

[Dana Summers – GoComics]

Actually, it is surprising that it didn’t happen before now.