Wednesday Night Open Thread

Comedians these days just aren’t as funny as comedians used to be.

Maybe it’s the language. Sure, not all comedians use salty language in their comedy routines, but many do. And those that do are the ones I’m talking about when I say that comedians today aren’t as funny as comedians used to be. But, I could be wrong.

One of the all-time greats was Bob Hope. I remember watching his specials on TV when I was a child. Sure, his humor was silly and stupid — not Three Stooges stupid, but still some of it was stupid. But, he was funny.

Remember hearing the strains to “Thanks for the Memory” and know that it was time to go into the TV room and watching an hour or so of something that had funny stuff? Well, I do.

I always through of that song as the Bob Hope Theme. But, it was an actual song, as I learned when I was old enough to ask such things. But, I’ve never seen the movie it’s from.

[The YouTube]

I need to check that movie out some time. Right now, though, I’m awaiting some more current, profanity-free entertainment. From you. Because it’s Wednesday Night Open Thread. Your turn to take over and lead the conversation. Some of it better be funny. Or we’ll send you to bed before Joey Heatherton appears on stage with Bob Hope.

Who wants to start?

Can I Please Get More Than One Basket for My Eggs?

An RNC contractor lost control of a database with information on 198 million voters.

Perfect. Now, Republicans, say “politicians can’t keep your data safe” and use it as a pretext to repeal Obamacare.

Some Episodes, This Was the Best Part

[1966 The Complete Batman Guest star window cameos (14) on the batclimb] (Viewer #397,269)

Good of a way as any to mark the passing of Adam West. My favorite is at 3:16

Link of the Day: Satire – Sean Spicer Begs Navy Reserve for Multi-Year Deployment to Anywhere Remote

[High Praise! to DuffelBlog]

Sean Spicer Begs Navy Reserve for Multi-Year Deployment to Anywhere Remote

[Think you have a link that’s IMAO-worthy? Send it to If I use your link, you will receive High Praise! (assuming you remember to put your name in the email)]

One Law Away From Utopia

A group in Colorado wants to ban the sale of cell phones for kids under 13.

Should be about as effective as MPAA ratings keeping 12-year-olds from watching Avengers movies.

First Responders

[Submitted by slapout (High Praise!)]

Straight Line of the Day: Leaked! Donald Trump Secretly Carries a Good Luck Charm Made Out of…

Works like this: I feed you Moon Nukers a straight line, and you hit me with a punch line in the comments.

Leaked! Donald Trump secretly carries a good luck charm made out of…

The Illustrated Frank J: It’s Easy to Lose Sight of This In the Swirl of Chaotic News Events


Random Thoughts: Wonder Woman and Georgia Special Election

Dang. Got a hole in my jeans. And I can’t pretend to be stylish enough for that.

Favorite gun control was NY changing max magazine capacity from 10 to 7. That’s it, guys. It was those 3 bullets. You solved gun violence.

I’m not going to play by the left’s rules. The left are insufferable. I’m still trying to cling to my last shred of sufferability.

We can either do nothing about gun violence or pass some gun control… which is a more active form of doing nothing about gun violence.

For the “climate of hate” thing with Gabby Giffords shooting, is it so hard for people to admit they were partisan hacks about that issue?

Maybe little harsh, but I’m absolutely flabbergasted that the NYT with their demonstrated inability to learn anything try to be influencers.
“We at the New York Times, who refuse to acknowledge basic facts, have some opinions we thought important to share…”

Why does the NYT lie so much? It what you’d expect from someone working for a political party, but they’re supposed to be independent.

Trump’s tweet from a few years ago of “Justice is stupid! We should obstruct it!” will probably come back to haunt him.

As long as the NYT is venerated as some paper of record, no one will trust journalists.

When NYT points out that Trump is dishonest and delusional, people assume they’re criticizing him when in fact they’re expressing kinship.

Another day living in an era where basic necessities are easily met and you have access to all the world’s knowledge. Let’s do something!

Don’t care for music. “A bunch of sounds put to a pattern! I’m going to sit here and listen to it like a dumb baby!” Stupid.

“The NYT would like to thank its readers for pointing out it’s not proven that Bush did 9/11 and the article now reflects the uncertainty.”

If it looks like the president is losing badly at 8 dimensional chess, that’s because he’s actually playing 9 dimensional chess.

If Trump goes to prison, that doesn’t mean we have to impeach him. Nothing in the Constitution says the president can’t serve from prison.
Might make a neat movie. Prison POTUS. All that power, but also locked up. Could be a drama instead of a comedy. But not if starring Trump.
New show/reality idea: Trump flees to Russia to avoid prosecution and ends up sharing an apartment with Snowden. Hijinks ensue.

I unironically like both Amazon and Whole Foods. Is that allowed?

This latest scandal is the end of Trump for sure. #EvergreenTweet

Eventually the only speech in this country will be people yelling incoherently to keep someone else from speaking.

The president, whether he’s Obama or Trump, does not deserve your respect. He’s your dumbass employee. And he does a terrible job.

“A man was shot in the street! Isn’t that horrible?”
“I need to know how many of my political beliefs he shared before I can answer that.”

Contra the overpopulation worries, food as continued to become cheaper and cheaper as the earth has become more populated.
People are the earth’s most valuable resource. It’s kind of missing the point of everything to worry about having too many of them.

Being a father is the closest thing to being a superhero. In little kids’ eyes, it’s the same thing.

For Father’s Day, I finally got to see Wonder Woman. Thought it lived up to the hype.
It was nice to have a superhero who was just a good person who wanted to help and no tragic backstory. WW is what Superman is supposed to be.
And Wonder Woman is just adorable in the movie with her kindness and naïveté. You fear she’s going to get hurt — just not physically.
Anyway, it’s a really fun superhero movie. One of the best so far. Has me excited for Justice League despite how bad previous DC movies were
Unfortunately, I don’t think the movie is appropriate for my 6yo daughter who wanted to see it.

One of my ideas is if you pass a law that’s unanimously overturned by SCOTUS, you’re arrested for treason against the Constitution.

Has the NRA really said nothing about the Philando Castile verdict? The whole thing is very scary to people who legally conceal carry.
Here’s a comic I draw a long time ago about my wife’s gun coming up in a stop. I was so woke.

New Zelda ruined most other games for me. Finally got to playing Far Cry 4 and Fallout 4, and my reaction is, “Eh, I’ve done this before.”

If everyone agreed with me, then who would I look down on?

Charity is the outdated idea that people can help each other without guns involved.

This is probably much closer to becoming reality than The Handmaid’s Tale.

The special election in GA will determine whether dictatorship that reigns for the next 40 years will be led by a Republican or a Democrat.

DEMOCRATS: “We screwed up health care first, and now the Republicans are trying to screw it up differently. Please donate.”

I’m a little confused about how outraged I’m supposed to be that Gal Gadot barely made it into the evil 1% with her Wonder Woman salary.
Does she have a brother named Guy Gadot?

I guess it’s progress that the pro-tolerance side now has at least as many hate-filled sociopaths as the bigoted side.

“If we’re nuked by North Korea, it’s b/c we broke their rules, which is wrong. And we must remember the good intentions of their communism.”

Apparently the punchline to the stupid Gal Gadot salary thing is that for Man of Steel, Amy Adams made much more than the male lead.
Really, how dumb do you have to be to think Cavill made $14 million for his first big role? Did you just learn about Hollywood this morning?

If you can’t buy a stupid congressional district for $24 million, what’s this world coming to?

Now that the Democrats have lost the most important election in the history of the multiverse, I’m pretty sure they have to disband.
Still, it’s a moral victory.

The Republicans have to be getting tired of winning.

Karen Handel won, just like that woman in that popular movie, Wonder Woman.

Next Up: Ben & Jerry’s and Birkenstock just bought Whole Foods

Cool! Over-priced, self-righteous, hipster food-elitism will now come with free delivery.

Cartoon of the Day – Policy

[Mike Lester – GoComics]

Obama would never have dreamed of thinking of families. He gravitates towards communist dictators for a reason.