Friday Night Open Thread

Yep. It’s Friday!

Yay! Friday!

Nothing can go wrong with Friday!

Or can it?

[The YouTube]

Oh. Never mind.

Tell you what. Let’s get ready to do Friday Night Open Thread. Pick a topic and have at it.

Who wants to start?

I’m a Half-Full Kinda Guy

WSJ headline: “Media Startups Try a Lower-Cost Model: Unpaid Student Writers”

Alternative headline “Good News! Women’s 77% Pay Disparity Eradicated”

Remember, Wind and Solar Are Worthless Without These

[How a lead-acid battery works] (Viewer #422,678)

The only thing I really know about car batteries is that, if they’re bulgy, they’re bad.

Link of the Day: I Always Forget That the First Third of the Movie Is a Long, Boring, Monkeyless Desert Hike, But the Rest of the Film Makes Up for It

[High Praise! to Mental Floss]

12 Essential Facts About Planet of the Apes

[Think you have a link that’s IMAO-worthy? Send it to If I use your link, you will receive High Praise! (assuming you remember to put your name in the email)]

Slowly Re-Building Their Fan Base

On Hannity, Camille Paglia said “it is going to take decades” for the media to recover its credibility after the way it’s behaved.

Well, it’s mathematically possible, assuming one is born every minute.

Good Question

[High Praise! to Freedom Is Just Another Word]

Straight Line of the Day: Completely Out of Ideas, Hollywood’s Next Big Release Will Be a Reboot of…

Works like this: I feed you Moon Nukers a straight line, and you hit me with a punch line in the comments.

Completely out of ideas, Hollywood’s next big release will be a reboot of…

The Illustrated Frank J: Maybe They Shouldn’t Have Lit Their Money on Fire and Used It to Burn Down Orphanages


[reference link]

The King, the Mice, and the Cheese

I remember reading a book when I was a kid about a king who was tired of his kingdom being full of mice, so he got a bunch of cats to chase them away. But now his kingdom was overrun with cats. So he got a bunch of dogs to chase them away. But now his kingdom is overrun with dogs (which I’m not sure why is a bad thing), so he got lions to chase away the dogs. Of course lions — being larger versions of cats — are much worse to have around, so he got elephants to chase away the lions. But now the kingdom was full of elephants, so he got mice to chase away the elephants and then we’re back where we started.

Politics is a lot like this, but for the cycle there’s just Democrats and Republicans.

“Our country is overrun with Democrats! Let’s get some Republicans to chase them away!”

“Oh no! Now our country is overrun with Republicans! Let’s get some Democrats to chase them away!”

The Democrats were counting on this cycle with that Georgia special election. Trump is unpopular, so they were thinking that people would want them — which is this error they’ve been constantly making. But the Democrats awfulness is still too much in people’s minds. Thinking Trump is a moron, boorish clout is still not the same as thinking Democrats are better. Of course the big question is will people still remember how much they disliked Democrats in 2018?

At the end of the story, I think the king learned to like living with the mice. Maybe a better ending would be to instead use traps to get rid of the mice. For a while, you’d have traps everywhere, but then eventually you would dispose of them and everything would be good. I’m not sure there’s a political analogy to that, but the question should be how to do we get out of this cycle?

WE Watch the Watchmen

A new survey shows that anxiety levels are climbing faster in the US than in the rest of the world.

Makes sense. Unlike the rest of the world, the US doesn’t have a more powerful country it can count on to stomp heads if commies or terrorists snap their leashes.

Cartoon of the Day – Losers

[Michael P. Ramirez]

I’m worried the GOP will get tired of winning before the Democrats get tired of losing.