Sunday Night Open Thread

A while back — a week or so ago — I shared a video of some free software programs. Some of you had additional suggestions.

Well, the TechGumbo folks have five more. I found it interesting. Maybe you will too.

[The YouTube]

You know what else is free? This blog. Well, it’s free to you. Frank J. foots the bills. Harvey does most of the work. I show up every so often and say “Hey, guys, why don’t you write something?”

This is me asking just that. It’s Sunday Night Open Thread, and it’s your turn to share a link, a joke, a … anything.

Who wants to start?

The Illustrated Frank J: Worst Country Ever Except for All the Others


Link of the Day: Not Even Canada Is Evil Enough to Deserve This Punishment

[High Praise! to The Burrard Street Journal]

Satire – Trudeau Formally Offers Obama Asylum In Canada

[Think you have a link that’s IMAO-worthy? Send it to If I use your link, you will receive High Praise! (assuming you remember to put your name in the email)]

Like Crazy Wavy Shadow Puppets

[Seeing the Invisible: Schlieren Imaging in SLOW MOTION] (Viewer #828,417)

The pacing is horrible on this one. He’s overestimated how engaging the images are, and lingers on them far longer than necessary. It’s like the “Star Trek: The Motion Picture” of informational videos.

Nevertheless, parts of it were quite interesting, and I survived the 6 minutes without jumping ahead. Just try to relax and enjoy the pretty pictures

Also, It Might Get Attacked by Angry Muslims

Scary! An asteroid will pass within 3 million miles of us.

Oh no! If it gets too close to Earth, its temperature might rise by 3 degrees in the next century!

If You’re Short on MOABs, We Can Send You Another One

[High Praise! to Freedom Is Just Another Word]