Tuesday Night Open Thread

What’s the best worst song ever?

Well, I don’t know. But I have a sneaking suspicion it’s probably something involving Elton John, Bernie Taupin, and William Shatner.

I could be wrong, though. But I don’t think so.

When I first saw it, when it was actually performed on the TV, I didn’t say a word. I think my capacity for speech was lost for some time. So, you’ve been warned.

[The YouTube]

Now that you’re properly inspired, how about taking over things for the remainder of the night? Yep, it’s Tuesday Night Open Thread.

Who wants to start?

The Illustrated Frank J: Mostly They Just Hurt People and Break Things


Promoted Comment: Hillary Clinton and Wonder Woman

There’s a Wonder Woman movie out. I suppose you nerds and geeks all know that already, and have probably seen it.

I haven’t. Because I’d have to go to the theater to see it. Nearest theater playing it wants $11.24 cents for a ticket to see it. At least, when I go to The Fandango, that’s what the price is. I’m not driving that far just to check out movie prices. If I have to run by the JC Penney store, I might wander over when I’m done. But I ain’t got no reason to run by the JC Penney store.

Anyway, Frank J. saw it and liked it and wrote about it the other day. But one of the comments, was pure gold. So, we want make sure you saw it.

Similarities between Hillary Clinton and Wonder Woman

1) Interested in killing some sort of God
2) Won’t give you privacy when you’re in the bath
3) Attempts to steal the treasures of her nation
4) Unfamiliar with British culture, American culture, Belgian culture…
5) Probably couldn’t sail to London unassisted
6) Must be dissuaded from snatching away the babies of strangers
7) Thinks secretaries and slaves are basically the same thing
8) Unimpressed when she meets soldiers
9) Wears the outfit of an entitled wealthy woman when she goes to parties
10) Never under fire from a Bosnian sniper

Thank you, cayleygraph2015 — if that is your real name — for this gem.

This Is How to Get Hot Glue Banned

[How to Make Powerful Weapon 4 Barreled Rocket Launcher at Home] (Viewer #887,874)

Possibly the most creative use of cardboard I’ve ever seen. However, I wish he’d be a little more specific about how much rubbing alcohol you need in the bottle for this to work. It has to be more than just the wee sniff of fumes the video implies.

Straight Line of the Day: Victory! SCOTUS Upholds Trump’s Muslim Travel Ban. Next on Trump’s List of Things to Ban…

Works like this: I feed you Moon Nukers a straight line, and you hit me with a punch line in the comments.

Victory! SCOTUS upholds Trump’s Muslim travel ban. Next on Trump’s list of things to ban…

So We Already Kind of Knew This But…

Wolf Blitzer was unavailable for comment, but Jim Acosta did tweet a picture of his socks:

Acosta might want to change his pinned tweet though…it didn’t age very well.

Wait… Wasn’t That Obamacare’s Biggest Selling Point?

On Facebook, President Obama criticized the Senate health care bill by calling it “a massive transfer of wealth“.

So… was his problem that it was too massive or not massive enough?

Cartoon of the Day – Repeal

[Michael P. Ramirez]

The GOP hasn’t been listening to us for some time.

Light Harving Ahead

I’m traveling for the next 8 days (back on Wednesday the 5th), so I’ll be posting less than usual.

I’ve asked other people to post more than usual.

If you see a post by other people, revile and insult them with dozens of cruel putdowns so as to keep their egos in check.

Or thank them for their efforts.

I don’t get out much, and I’m too lazy to Google “courtesy”. I’m pretty sure it’s one of those, though.