Wednesday Night Open Thread

There’s nitpickers, and then there’s nitpickers.

I’m a nitpicker. Well, sometimes.

I’m also a little nerdy sometimes. But, I’m not a super nerd, because I didn’t catch all of these then I saw the movies.

[The YouTube]

Now that’s your nerd pump is primed — that doesn’t mean what some of you think it means — it’s your turn to go full blown nerd. Or smartass. Or nice friendly person sharing words of inspiration.

Probably smartass, knowing some of you. Anyway, it’s Wednesday Night Open Thread.

Who wants to start?

The Illustrated Frank J: More Free Speech, Please


Link of the Day

[High Praise! to AT]

Why socialists need capitalism.

[Think you have a link that’s IMAO-worthy? Send it to If I use your link, you will receive High Praise! (assuming you remember to put your name in the email)]

You Want People to Die!

Since Harvey is gone for a bit, I guess I should blog.

But I don’t want to!

Anyway, this is pretty great, so watch it.

World’s Shortest Bond Movie

[Agent of Sleep] (Viewer #5,851)

Have to say, I liked this better than either of the last two Matrix movies. Better plot & dialogue.

Straight Line of the Day: In Response to the Project Veritas Video Showing a CNN Producer Admitting Fake News, CNN Executives…

Works like this: I feed you Moon Nukers a straight line, and you hit me with a punch line in the comments.

In response to the Project Veritas video showing a CNN producer admitting fake news, CNN executives…

Random Thoughts: The ACHA and Milkshake Duck

I hope little girls see the Wonder Woman movie and realize they can be anything they want to be. Except ghostbusters.

The Dems make a pretty good argument that Trump is terrible. They don’t have a good argument that they’re better.

“We’ll stop the ACHA!”
“You think we’d reveal our bill if there remained a chance of you affecting its outcome? We passed it 35 minutes ago.”

Would help the WH spokespeople explain away Trump’s statements if they could say, “You have to remember, the president is kind of a dummy.”

“But he implied he had tapes of Comey.”
“There’s a simple explanation for that: Trump’s an idiot who should not be taken seriously.”
And then everyone would just sort of nod and say, “That makes sense. He does seem like an idiot.” And the scandal is gone.

Is there anyone saying how bad Trumpcare will be who didn’t squander all their credibility saying how great Obamacare would be?

BEFORE: “Obamacare means lower premiums and you get to keep your doctor.”
NOW: “Repealing Obamacare will kill people!”
Whatever, liars.

“Planned Parenthood does a lot of other things than abortion” always reminds me of “The Civil War wasn’t just about slavery.” Yes, but no.
If PP did all it currently does except abortion, neither Republicans nor Democrats would care about it. Public wouldn’t have heard of it.
Pretending opposition to PP is anything other than opposition to abortion or support is something other than support of abortion is silly.
In a free country, people who don’t like abortion wouldn’t need to have their money associated with it.
And in a free country, people who like abortion could voluntarily raise all the money they want for abortions.
But no one likes a free country. We like partisan footballs.
So says me, Frank J. Fleming, the only reasonable person observing politics. You can praise me for my wisdom now.

When Obama jumps in the debate, I think “There’s that sociopath who ruined my health insurance and wants me to thank him.”

Was… was Johnny Depp comparing Trump to President Lincoln?

Writing sequel to Superego is not going as fast as hoped. I only have a little spare time each day for it. Still, I’d guess you’ll see it before Game of Thrones book 6.

How do you determine what a living wage is? Do you pay someone less and less until he dies?

“The Republicans are going to kill millions of people!!!”
“Eh… still rather them than the Democrats.”

For all those yelling about it, if the AHCA passes, do you have plans to try and save the thousands (millions?) who are going to die?

I don’t agree with the left that if someone’s labor is worth less than $15 an hour then it should be illegal for that person to get a job.

The suggested retail price for SNES Classic is $80 and the suggested eBay price is $400.

Pretty hard to tell what’s going on with health care, but at least you can be certain that no one on either side is telling you the truth.

Capitalism is a system that will give you everything you ever wanted as long as you can be okay with someone else having a lot more.

So are we supposed to pretend to not notice the huge differential between the men’s leagues and women’s leagues in sports?

I was disturbed to find out about Milkshake Duck’s racism. But I’m also disturbed by how quickly and viciously people turned on him.
Yes racism is bad. But we’re all bad. We all have awful flaws. There is beauty and ugliness in us. We all drink milkshakes and are racists.
And isn’t the most problematic thing of all placing yourself on a pedestal above someone else? Or above a milkshake drinking duck?
I don’t like the path we’re on. It’s a path along which the trains get ever smaller. Far enough along, we’ll be in tiny train world.

I don’t think we have enough guns in this country until we have enough for every man, woman, and child to dual-wield.

It would be nice if either George W. Bush or Barack Obama wrote “Being a U.S. President for Dummies.” I know who I’d buy it for.

The great thing about having three kids is now I can put up weekly child rankings to motivate them.

So single-payer is the theory that everything will be all puppies and sunshine if Trump just had more control over health care.

Weird… Che Didn’t Even Make the Top Ten

In a new poll, Russians have picked Soviet dictator Joseph Stalin as the greatest figure in history, beating President Vladimir Putin

Probably because when Stalin hacked American elections, the Democrat won.

Cartoon of the Day – Milking

[Gary Varvel – GoComics]

Instead of beating a dead horse, I suppose.