Straight Line of the Day: Victory! SCOTUS Upholds Trump’s Muslim Travel Ban. Next on Trump’s List of Things to Ban…

Works like this: I feed you Moon Nukers a straight line, and you hit me with a punch line in the comments.

Victory! SCOTUS upholds Trump’s Muslim travel ban. Next on Trump’s list of things to ban…


  1. … imprecise terms.

    the term “Muslim ban” appears nowhere in the order. Neither do the words “Muslim,” “Islam,” or “Islamic.” In fact, except for Syria, the order does not even mention the proscribed nations by name, referring simply to the list of seven nations that had already been singled out for special concern by President Obama as leading incubators of terrorists. After a few days of being chastised for misrepresentation on this issue, some of the media began dropping the “Muslim ban” trigger words, to be replaced by references to the seven countries as “Muslim-majority nations” or “predominantly Muslim nations.” This way they can still project the inference that the president is doing something seemingly un-American by allegedly discriminating against foreigners solely based upon their religious beliefs. As we will see below, this media tactic, when wedded to devious polling questions, has been very important in producing poll results that appear to show a majority of Americans oppose the new refugee restrictions.

    However, not only does the Trump order not mention Muslims, but his proposed new rules do not affect the vast majority of the planet’s Muslims. Only one of the top 10 most populous Muslim nations (Iran) is affected by the executive order. Here are the 10 largest Muslim countries by population: Indonesia (209.1 million), Pakistan (176.2 million), India (167.4 million), Bangladesh (134.4 million), Nigeria (77.3 million), Egypt (77.0 million), Iran (73.5 million), Turkey (71.3 million), Algeria (34.7 million), and Morocco (31.9 Million). The order also does not affect, for instance, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Kuwait, Oman, Tunisia, United Arab Emirates, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, and other Muslim countries. In other words, the “Muslim ban” meme was a calculated lie, albeit one that Trump injudiciously handed to his opponents by using that term during the campaign.

    • Thank you. My brain is increasingly occupied with screaming (internally) “IT’S NOT A MUSLIM BAN!!” every time I see or hear the phrase. Sorta like Russia’s allegedly hacking the DNC’s computers and attempting to influence the election / exert influence over Hillary Clinton by (again, allegedly) disclosing secrets the Democrats did not want the voting public to know is not the same as Russia’s “hacking the election,” which implies altering the vote tallies (which many, many people believe happened). Maddening.

  2. Next on Trump’s list of things to ban…

    Crooked Foundations, push 2 for Spanish, imported wall building materials, FCC renewals for fake news stations, and Obama’s various passports the next time he leaves the U.S.

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