Monday Night Open Thread

I never watched Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood. I had nothing against it, but by the time I was old enough to be allowed to change the channel on the TV, I was beyond that show’s target audience. If I was changing the channel from 3 to 11 — those were two of the only three Savannah-area channels we got — I’d have to go past 9, which was the NET station in Pembroke (there’s the third one). Sometimes, it would be carrying Mister Rogers. I would hurry past it.

I have seen some episodes over the years, and I really don’t remember why. I don’t think it was related to my children watching the show. I just don’t know why I watched any of the episodes. Probably curiosity. I discovered it was actually a good thing for children.

Anyway, I got on this because Harvey posted a link to a fact sheet on Mister Rogers. I thought you might find it interesting.

You know what else is interesting? You don’t? Aw, heck. I was hoping you did. It’s time for Monday Night Open Thread. That’s your turn post something fun, interesting, or whatever. Comment on something. Share a link. It’s up to you.

Who wants to start?

The Illustrated Frank J: Any One of These Would Make a Fine Nominee

[Yeah, that really happened]


You’re Watching This On Your Phone, Aren’t You

[How To Be More Addicted To Your Phone – Ultra Spiritual Life episode 65] (Viewer #89,931)

Personally, I look at my phone when other people look at their phones first as a way of being rude and ignoring them back.

See also: “REALLY?”

Straight Line of the Day: Buried Deep Within the Contents of the Over 21,000 Macron Emails Released By Wikileaks, Researchers Found…

Works like this: I feed you Moon Nukers a straight line, and you hit me with a punch line in the comments.

Buried deep within the contents of the over 21,000 Macron emails released by Wikileaks, researchers found…

Preserving the Present at the Expense of the Future

We have this engine that takes things that start out as luxuries for the rich — indoor plumbing, electricity, televisions, computers, cellphones — and then make them so cheap even the poor can afford them. And that’s what’s been pretty much been banned from the field of medicine since people just don’t like the idea of profit-making where people’s lives are at stake.

Now, we’re not quite to single payer, but it’s starting to seem inevitable. We’re in this weird area where we definitely don’t have a functional free markets — no one even knows the prices of things — but we’re not in complete government control either. But how much longer are we going to tolerate this mess? So there are two directions, head to free markets or to complete socialism. The only thing is, I don’t see anyone in the major two parties really even arguing the first, so all that seems left is to slouch toward the latter at different speeds.

Now, people will die from the decision to go to single payer — millions, potentially — but in ways that don’t make people fill icky, such as cures for certain diseases taking years or decades longer to exist. Because that’s what socialism is — it’s trying to preserve the present at the cost of the future. Socialism is this false guarantee you’ll always be able to live at the current level you’re used to and the price is the destruction of innovation since the profit motive is gone. It’s very attractive to wealthy, fearful nations who are more scared of losing what they have than hopeful of having things even better. And we’re a very wealthy, increasingly scared country.

I wish I had some hopeful words to say how we could stop this slouching toward socialism, but I don’t really have an idea how to make free markets popular again. They have what should be an ironclad record, but they’re scary. So my only comfort is that I’m usually very wrong at predictions.

Focus on the Goal, Please

Former House speaker John Boehner told a business gathering last week that Republicans are “not going to repeal and replace Obamacare

Reminder to Paul Ryan – that’s why we repealed and replaced John Boehner.

Sunday Night Open Thread

I will sometimes write and schedule these Open Thread Post ahead of time. Sometimes days ahead of time.

The last few days were that way. I knew I’d be out of town so I prepared. I knew I’d be back in time to get Sunday night’s up.

But look at the time stamp on this post.


Anyway, better lAte than never, right?

So, what’s on your mind? Got a joke? A link? Something you want to talk about? It’s Sunday Night Open Thread.

Who wants to start?

The Illustrated Frank J: I’d Hate to Meet the Problem for Which This Is a Solution


Railguns! Is There Any Happiness They Can’t Bring?

[U.S. Military’s Most Powerful Cannon – Electromagnetic Railgun – Shoots 100 miles – Mach 7] (Viewer #1,927,865)

Sadly, too much of this is outdated marketing propaganda from railgun makers, but it still gets me tingly thinking this is nearly deployed.

Plus the images of the actual damage it does are pretty sweet.

Also please enjoy this footage of a railgun’s rapid-reload system

Your Problem – And Ours – Has a Simple Solution

An international research team has demonstrated that money actually CAN buy happiness.

The key, they say, is giving your money to international research teams.

Saturday Night Open Thread

I just don’t understand the younger generation.

I shouldn’t let that both me, so I won’t.

Of course, they don’t understand my generation.

[The YouTube]

What’s on your mind? Got a joke? A link? Something you want to talk about? It’s Saturday Night Open Thread.

Who wants to start?

The Illustrated Frank J: That Might’ve Been Just a Movie I Saw Or Want to Make


Sure Am Glad My Ancestors Left London Hundreds of Years Ago

[The Fog That Killed 12,000 People] (Viewer #312,517)

As libertarian as I am, I still can’t come up with a good argument against environmental regulations in the face of this problem, and that bothers me.

I hate it when I can’t make government the bad guy in a situation where innocent people are killed.

Remember: Impeachment Trials Are 0 for 2 on Convictions

Congressman Luis Gutierrez said President Trump is a “major criminal” and he will “eliminate” him as president when the Democrats win a majority in the House.

Easy, Luis. Who do you think Trump is? Governor of Illinois?

Friday Night Open Thread

Oh, I haven’t talked about Doctor Who in a while. Many are focusing on Jodie Whittaker being named as the new Doctor, but I haven’t done a lot of that.

I will, eventually, but I’m going to let all the nonsense die down first.

On the other hand, I am really excited about Peter Capaldi’s final episode this Christmas. Not that I’m happy that Capaldi is leaving. I’m not. He’s my favorite Doctor of the revived show, and one of my favorite ever. I’d be totally happy if he was The Doctor forever.

I am a huge fan of the First Doctor, and the Second Doctor. I like all of them, but those first two are fantastic.

Anyway, Capaldi is leaving after three seasons, and that makes me unhappy. However, a multi-Doctor episode featuring the First Doctor alongside the Twelfth Doctor is exciting to me. Of course, William Hartnell has been dead 42 years, and won’t be reprising his role. But, David Bradley, who played Hartnell in a BBC docudrama about the origins of Doctor Who (n Adventure in Space and Time) will be bringing his talents to the role. I’ve been wanting that ever since I saw him in that TV special.

[The YouTube]

What’s on your mind? What adventures in space and time do you want to share? It’s Friday Night Open Thread, and time for you to take control of the conversation.

Who wants to start?