Friday Night Open Thread

Oh, I haven’t talked about Doctor Who in a while. Many are focusing on Jodie Whittaker being named as the new Doctor, but I haven’t done a lot of that.

I will, eventually, but I’m going to let all the nonsense die down first.

On the other hand, I am really excited about Peter Capaldi’s final episode this Christmas. Not that I’m happy that Capaldi is leaving. I’m not. He’s my favorite Doctor of the revived show, and one of my favorite ever. I’d be totally happy if he was The Doctor forever.

I am a huge fan of the First Doctor, and the Second Doctor. I like all of them, but those first two are fantastic.

Anyway, Capaldi is leaving after three seasons, and that makes me unhappy. However, a multi-Doctor episode featuring the First Doctor alongside the Twelfth Doctor is exciting to me. Of course, William Hartnell has been dead 42 years, and won’t be reprising his role. But, David Bradley, who played Hartnell in a BBC docudrama about the origins of Doctor Who (n Adventure in Space and Time) will be bringing his talents to the role. I’ve been wanting that ever since I saw him in that TV special.

[The YouTube]

What’s on your mind? What adventures in space and time do you want to share? It’s Friday Night Open Thread, and time for you to take control of the conversation.

Who wants to start?

The Illustrated Frank J: Actually, It’s Dumb to Believe a Liberal Telling You Either of Those Things


Straight Line of the Day: Since the Media Has Determined it is Improper to Refer to MS-13 Gang Members as Animals…

Works like this: I feed you Moon Nukers a straight line, and you hit me with a punch line in the comments.

Since the Media has determined it is improper to refer to MS-13 gang members as “animals”…

I Thought the Paint Part Would Be More Exciting, But Lower Your Expectations

[Microwaving an Airbag in Slow Motion – The Slow Mo Guys – 4K] (Viewer #1,625,938)

Honestly, the only reason to ever do this is if you hate microwaves and safety.

Fortunately, these guys hate both.

The Increasing Pointlessness of Politics

I remember the constant “But… but… SCOTUS!” when people complained about how cartoonishly horrible Trump was during the campaign. And, hey, that gamble paid off. We got a really good SCOTUS pick.

But apparently that’s about it from a Trump administration and a Republican controlled House and Senate. It really seems like the Republicans were caught completely off guard by Trump winning and had no plans beyond being an opposition party. I mean, this health care stuff, people have been talking about that for a while. Like years. They probably should have had some sort of plan ready. But nope. I’m a little more hopeful they can come up with something on taxes… but not that hopeful.

So, so useless. It’s why I just can’t get in these partisan fights anymore. What’s the point? Is there any chance of anything being accomplished?

But on the plus side for the Republicans, attack ads will be hard. “We have to stop these radical, extremists Republicans from… not doing anything in particular.”

So what’s the path forward here? What’s the rallying cry for 2018? Neither the Democrats or the Republicans have a particularly good case to make about anything. Best slogan I can come up for them is “Embrace irrelevancy.” I kinda like that. If the government were more irrelevant and we just paid it less attention, that’s a good thing. And, frankly, I’d kinda like to talk about something other than Trump one day.

This Time It’s Different Because It Has MORE of the Same Thing

Democrat Senator Chuck Schumer chastised his party, saying “the number one thing we did wrong was not to present a strong, bold economic agenda”.

No, it’s that we’re still in debt paying for your last strong, bold, economic agenda.

Cartoon of the Day – Branding

[Steve Kelley – GoComics]

Rebrand a turd and you have a rebranded turd.