Friday Night Open Thread

I love Weird Al.

[The YouTube]

Do you have something you’d like to share? A link? A joke? Some words of wisdom? A topic to discuss? It’s Friday Night Open Thread.

What’s on your mind?

We’ll Pass, Too

Democrat presidential candidate Eric Swalwell said that as a white male president, he’d “pass the mic” when there are gaps in his experience

Oh? Who are you going to pass it to when it’s time to look like an economics-comprehending job-creator? Maybe you should just let Trump keep it.

I’m a Little Biased in Liking This Video, Because I Learned to Juggle Once (Can’t Do It Anymore)

[Am I Really That Fast at Learning? An Experiment] (Viewer #1,186,906)

By the time she gets it, you’re ready to jump up and down and scream right along with her.

One thing I noticed to help the learning process go faster – look straight ahead and watch the balls with your peripheral vision. If your head’s moving, you’re doing it wrong.

Link of the Day: #10 Was a Surprise

[High Praise! to Mental Floss]

13 Things You Might Not Know About Ulysses S. Grant

[Think you have a link that’s IMAO-worthy? Send it to If I use your link, you will receive High Praise! (assuming you remember to put your name in the email)]

Trump Truths: Box

There is no truth to the rumor that, on President Trump’s desk, is a small, intricately-carved ebony and inlaid-pearl box containing a tiny portion of the souls of all those he has angered by mean-tweeting them. It’s actually a warehouse in Alexandria.

Some People Did Something Wrong Song (Song Parody)

To the tune of “(Hey, Won’t You Play) Another Somebody Done Somebody Wrong Song” by Larry Butler and Chips Moman

It’s only 9/11
And Ilhan Omar swears to heaven
We got it all wrong
It was
“Some people did something”
Wrong, all along

But hey, it’s okay
“Some people did something wrong”
Make me feel at home
While I miss my baby, while you mess with maybes . . .

So please
Say for me
That sad history
So bad that it makes everybody die
A real hurting song
About a cult that’s gone wrong
‘Cause I don’t wanna cry all alone . . .

“Some people did something wrong”
While I defend my home
And I miss my baby, while I miss my baby …


[High Praise! to AfterMath]

AOC Declared No Longer “Dumb” After Receiving Diploma From Wizard

“My head I’d be scratchin’, while my thoughts were busy hatchin'”

WASHINGTON (AP) – Democrat Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez struck a blow against her misogynistic critics with a brilliant, stinging rebuke on her Twitter account. After being criticized by Kurt Schlichter for posting a lame cliche about hope, AOC snapped back with her own witty rejoinder, “I could win a Nobel Prize in Physics & they’d still call me dumb.” While the fact that she considered that rejoinder witty may have proven her opponent’s point, the bizarre chain of events that followed appears to have decimated Schlichter’s argument.

“I was cooking while making an Instagram video like I always do,” said Ocasio-Cortez, “when my tofu omelet caught on fire. Well, I don’t know what to do about a fire. That’s for people with Nobel Prizes in physics to understand. So I just grabbed a broom and started whacking it, trying to put it out. Then my broom caught on fire, so I just ran down the stairs, screaming. Eventually my broom went out on its own, except that the bristly part was shorter and black for some reason. I wish I understood physics.”

“Anyway,” Ocasio-Cortez continued, “I walked into a big building, hoping it was a fire station full of physicists, but the only person in there was this old puffy-faced guy with white hair. He took one look at me and said ‘you liquidated her, eh? Very resourceful!‘ Then he asked me what he could give me as a reward. Well, I’m not about to turn down free stuff, even if it IS from a guy who looks like he might put his hands on my shoulders and start sniffing my hair at any second. So I told him how everyone thinks I’m dumb because I don’t understand physics.”

“Well, he brightened right up and said ‘anybody can have a brain, that’s a very mediocre commodity!’ Then he reached into his pocket and pulled out a diploma and said ‘By the authority vested in me by the Universitatus Committeatum E Pluribus Unum I hereby confer upon you the honorary degree of Ph.D., Doctor of Thinkology’. Now I have no idea what that meant, but suddenly I felt so smart I spontaneously recited the Triangulean Theorem – you know, ‘the sum of the square roots of any two sides of an isosceles triangle is equal to the square root of the remaining side.'”

“Boom!” concluded AOC, “Just like that, I understood physics! Now they can’t call me dumb anymore!”

As of this writing, Ms. Ocasio-Cortez is at home, recovering from a blow to the head from a window while trying to figure out what happened to her new red shoes that she swears she “was wearing just a minute ago.”


< Encountering Homeless Beggar, Deeply Affected Bernie Sanders Deposits His Fair Share of Begging Cup’s Contents To His Own Pocket

Straight Line of the Day: Now Becoming Increasingly Common in Florida…

Works like this: I feed you Moon Nukers a straight line, and you hit me with a punch line in the comments.

Now becoming increasingly common in Florida

The Illustrated Frank J: Dangerous Path


Ask IMAO Anything: Answers #12

Once again, we don’t have a lot of questions left to answer. The smartest group of commenters on the entire Internet provided some wonderful answers. Unfortunately, the only ones that posted here were the ones by the people that read this blog. Oh, well.

These are the one’s that weren’t answered, possibly because they were too hard.

Heh heh heh. I said “hard.”

DamnCat: Basil, you seem to have a good working knowledge of handcuffing techniques. Do you practice at home?

I don’t practice. I don’t play. I’m serious about it. Of course, there’s always a safe word for … wait, I’ve said too much.

walruskkkch: My next question oh Lord is why doesn’t numbering of a list display properly in the comments? Asking for a friend.

You should be able to use HTML code or BBCode to generate a list. Typing numbers doesn’t work, but that’s because we’ve enabled BBCode capabilities. The BBCode thing has some benefits, but this is one of the drawbacks.

Here’s how the HTML would look:

<li>List item one</li>
<li>List item two</li>

And the BBCode it pretty much the same:

[li]List item one[/li]
[li]List item two[/li]

Both end up looking like this:

  1. List item one
  2. List item two

Now, you can’t do a straight translation of every HTML tag into BBCode, but some simple ones work. You can find more by searching online, unless I decide to post a more detailed How-To for BBCode. I could probably do that, as Harvey never comes along and reads what I do, so getting away with it should be a breeze.

Harvey: Could you please phrase your response in the form of a question?

You didn’t see the other thing I just wrote, did you?

Oppo: So is that Ecuadoran embassy in London up for grabs now?

Let me Assange assuage your fears about it.

Slapout: I’ve been working on a blog post about questions for famous people. I also ended up with Questions for Socialist. So until I get around to posting that, I’ll just ask them here. How many New Car dealerships are there in Cuba?

Others answered your question. I just wanted to say it’s about damn time you posted something on your blog.

Oppo: Did any of the critics who call Trump an imperial president write anything that I can read about Obama’s numerous appointed ‘czars’? I mean, he used that very word. Did they somehow overlook it?

Whatever do you mean? Barack Obama is the kindest, bravest, warmest, most wonderful human being I’ve ever known in my life.

Thanks — and bacon! — to everyone who answered questions in the comments last time.

  • DamnCat
  • walruskkkch

If you have a question for us, send it to Ask IMAO Anything. You can leave it in the comments and someone will answer it here. Probably. Or, email and I’ll answer those next time.

Ask IMAO Anything. Because we know everything.

The Other 35% Worry That the 40% Are Thinking of Them

A new report shows that 25% of Americans worry about money “all the time.”

Huh. I recently heard that 40% of American are socialists. I guess they worry about other people’s money all the time.

Thursday Night Open Thread

After the breakup of the Beatles, each of them had their own number one hits as solo artists. The first, and last, was George Harrison. And, George didn’t get writing royalties from either of those.

His (and the former Beatles’) first number one, My Sweet Lord, was involved in a lawsuit that he lost, and the royalties went to the composers of “He’s So Fine.” His final (and former Beatles’ most recent) number one was a cover song written by Rudy Clark, who also wrote (or co-wrote) “It’s in His Kiss (The Shoop Shoop Song)” and “Good Lovin'” (The Young Rascals).

[The YouTube]

What’s been on your mind? Got something you’d like to share? A topic to discuss? It’s Thursday Night Open Thread.

Who wants to start?

Government: You Have One Job – Keep People From Invading Our Country

Now going up in New Mexico: the first-ever section of privately funded border wall.

Sad that it has to come to this. The government could at least give me a check box for this on my 1040 next to the one for the Presidential election campaign fund.

Can You Hear Me Now?

[How Sound Works (In Rooms)] (Viewer #1,036,116)

Even if you’re not interested the topic, this is an excellent example of how to teach a complicated lesson using simple audio and visual analogies.