Ask IMAO Anything: Answers #12

Once again, we don’t have a lot of questions left to answer. The smartest group of commenters on the entire Internet provided some wonderful answers. Unfortunately, the only ones that posted here were the ones by the people that read this blog. Oh, well.

These are the one’s that weren’t answered, possibly because they were too hard.

Heh heh heh. I said “hard.”

DamnCat: Basil, you seem to have a good working knowledge of handcuffing techniques. Do you practice at home?

I don’t practice. I don’t play. I’m serious about it. Of course, there’s always a safe word for … wait, I’ve said too much.

walruskkkch: My next question oh Lord is why doesn’t numbering of a list display properly in the comments? Asking for a friend.

You should be able to use HTML code or BBCode to generate a list. Typing numbers doesn’t work, but that’s because we’ve enabled BBCode capabilities. The BBCode thing has some benefits, but this is one of the drawbacks.

Here’s how the HTML would look:

<li>List item one</li>
<li>List item two</li>

And the BBCode it pretty much the same:

[li]List item one[/li]
[li]List item two[/li]

Both end up looking like this:

  1. List item one
  2. List item two

Now, you can’t do a straight translation of every HTML tag into BBCode, but some simple ones work. You can find more by searching online, unless I decide to post a more detailed How-To for BBCode. I could probably do that, as Harvey never comes along and reads what I do, so getting away with it should be a breeze.

Harvey: Could you please phrase your response in the form of a question?

You didn’t see the other thing I just wrote, did you?

Oppo: So is that Ecuadoran embassy in London up for grabs now?

Let me Assange assuage your fears about it.

Slapout: I’ve been working on a blog post about questions for famous people. I also ended up with Questions for Socialist. So until I get around to posting that, I’ll just ask them here. How many New Car dealerships are there in Cuba?

Others answered your question. I just wanted to say it’s about damn time you posted something on your blog.

Oppo: Did any of the critics who call Trump an imperial president write anything that I can read about Obama’s numerous appointed ‘czars’? I mean, he used that very word. Did they somehow overlook it?

Whatever do you mean? Barack Obama is the kindest, bravest, warmest, most wonderful human being I’ve ever known in my life.

Thanks — and bacon! — to everyone who answered questions in the comments last time.

  • DamnCat
  • walruskkkch

If you have a question for us, send it to Ask IMAO Anything. You can leave it in the comments and someone will answer it here. Probably. Or, email and I’ll answer those next time.

Ask IMAO Anything. Because we know everything.


    • …takes envelope from forehead…

      …blows open envelope…

      …pulls out card…

      What is the minimum number of beers in 99 Beers on the Wall that you can reach while singing to a captive audience before everyone goes insane?

  1. Are you folks just Basil’s (yeah – you can’t pronounce that either) gatekeepers? I trod several feet to learn from one of The Master’s inconsequential toadies. My questions are real.

    By the way, tons of respect for your humor!

    • Sounds like you’re some kind of deviated prevert. And I think Harvey found out about your preversion and that you were organizing some kind of mutiny of preverts…. All I was told to do was get Harvey on the phone with the President of IMAO.

      Basil: And I can assure you, if you don’t put that pun away and stop this stupid nonsense, the Court of Enquiry on this’ll give you such a pranging, you’ll be lucky if you end up wearing the uniform of a bloody toilet attendant.

  2. I haven’t seen you yet at any of the champagne brunches or dinners to ask: with the huge distances involved, don’t you sometimes find it difficult to tell whether it’s the geisha girl coming in one of the many corner-office doors, or the manicurist? (I realize sometimes it’s sometimes necessary to move your feet or the hover-screen to tell.)

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