Sunday Night Open Thread

I love old movies.

[The YouTube]

What’s been on your mind? Got something you’d like to share? A topic to discuss? It’s Sunday Night Open Thread.

Who wants to start?

The Illustrated Frank J: It Seems Like a Dream


[title reference link]

In the reference link, I’ll note that the “point of process” hand signal at 1:04 is pretty much the same gesture as in that Star Trek episode with the Space Hippies

Link of the Day: Some I’ve Seen Before, Some Deserve to Be Iconic, and the Original Ronald McDonald Is Just Straight Up Nightmare Fuel

[High Praise! to Bored Panda]

40 Must-See Photos From The Past

[Think you have a link that’s IMAO-worthy? Send it to If I use your link, you will receive High Praise! (assuming you remember to put your name in the email)]

Jurassic Times Call for Drastic Measures

The elephants in the room
(We pretend they’re tame)
All portend our doom —
But they have no name.

The 800-pound gorillas
Impervious to force
Imperious as Attila —
Are anonymous, of course.

The massive Trojan horses &
Passive dinosaurs
Are resistible forces
That everyone ignores.

The bucks will never stop
And neither will the game
Unless we bring in a bull from a china shop —
So he can take the blame.

Just Be Glad It’s Over, Because It Could’ve Been Worse

[Game of Thrones Season 8 Pitch Meeting] (Viewer #1,989,407)

You’d think I’d have more sympathy for Game of Thrones fans, since I had to settle for 6 seasons of Firefly being crammed into a single 2-hour movie.

But I don’t. Because Game of Thrones has no likeable characters, and, thematically, it’s a sewer.

Not boring, though.

Satyrs’ Faction (Song Parody)

Based on the song by — come on, you know who

(A “cooperation cookies” effort by Walruskkkch & Oppo)

I can’t get nose satisfaction
I can’t get nose satisfaction
‘Cause I try
And they cry
And I try
And they cry
I can’t get no, I can’t get no

When they’re in their parents cellar
And some Xe posts on the inter ‘tubes’
Xe’s tellin’ them less and less
And it’s all just useless information
But it still creates some agitation

I can’t get no statist action
I can’t get no statist action
I can’t get no,
Oh no, no, no
Hey hey hey,
That’s what I say.

When I’m Biden around the world
And I’m gropin’ this and I’m grabbin’ that
Tryin’ to sniff some girl, who tells me
“Grabby, better come back maybe ten years
Can’t you see I’m with the Mouseketeers?”
I can’t get no
Nose satisfaction . . .

When I’m watchin’ my TV
And a man comes on and tells me
How white my privilege may be
But he, he won’t make demands
‘Cause he don’t do coke
The same surrogates as me
I can’t get no
Nose satisfaction . . .

Something for His Prey

Asked how he would pay for his government-run Medicare For All healthcare program, Bernie Sanders said it would be by “an increase in income taxes in a progressive way for ordinary people.”

Sounds like the socialist version of “you ever dance with the devil in the pale moonlight?

And That’s the Best-Case Scenario

[High Praise! to Turning Point USA]