Monday Night Open Thread

I saw a video the other day that had a bunch of old photos. I found it fascinating.

[The YouTube]

Now, what’s been on your mind? Got something you’d like to share with the group? It’s Monday Night Open Thread.

Who wants to start?

Wouldn’t Bug Me So Much Except He Keeps Playing the Terminator Theme

Boston Dynamics announced that its four-legged, dog-like robot Spot is going on sale soon.

Well, he is sort of cool, but I’m not sure I want a robot pet that can do everything except climb out of the uncanny valley.

[title reference link]

Unforgettable. Without the “Un” Part

[Aladdin (2019) Pitch Meeting] (Viewer #582,567)

I knew this was going to be an ugly cash grab, but wow…

Link of the Day: I See No Flaw in This Plan

[High Praise! to The Babylon Bee]

Left Vows To Topple Patriarchy By Allowing Biological Males To Dominate Women’s Sports

[Think you have a link that’s IMAO-worthy? Send it to If I use your link, you will receive High Praise! (assuming you remember to put your name in the email)]

Trump Truths: Sanctuary

President Trump announced that he was in favor of sanctuary cities for illegal immigrants, as long as such cities consisted of apartments with locked barred doors and were surrounded by brick walls and razor-wire topped fences, like the City of San Quentin.

There’s Real News, There’s Liberal Media, and Then…

[High Praise! to AfterMath]

Seeing this gave me an idea, which I didn’t have the Photoshop chops to create.

Fortunately, Les of Nuking Politics [High Praise!] is a Photoshop superhero and brought my vision to life thusly:

Sanders Vows to Bypass Snowballing Hyperinflation Phase Of Socialism, Go Directly To Brutal Government Crackdown On Public Gatherings Protesting Food Shortages

“And I’ll get away with it, too! Because I’m going to issue an executive order against meddling kids!”

WASHINGTON DC (AP) – Succumbing to pressure from being behind in the polls, Democrat presidential hopeful Bernie Sanders unveiled his new plan for bringing socialism to the United States. Instead of slowly strangling America’s economy with senseless regulations and government programs that lead to bloated bureaucracies that can only be funded by hyperinflation of the nation’s currency, Sanders vowed to quickly leap to socialism’s endgame of having government forces brutally crack down on public gatherings of innocent citizens protesting food shortages.

During a recent campaign stop, Sanders outlined his vision for our nation’s future.

“Friends,” said Sanders, “our collective enemy, Donald Trump, presents us with the bleakest of futures. Everyone working at some low-wage job, like burger-flipper or political intern. I offer a different vision. I want to try REAL socialism for a change. Which, it turns out, is just like every other form of socialism that’s ever been tried, only worse. Instead of doing that ‘slowly crumbling’ thing where it took Venezuela 20 years to go from prosperous nation to ubiquitous starvation, a country under REAL socialism will plummet to disaster like a school bus off a cliff. Except you’ll have to get out and push the school bus and then jump back in once it starts rolling again because there won’t be any gasoline.”

“However,” added Sanders brightly, poking one bony finger toward the sky, “real socialism is more efficient! None of this dragged-out torture where the currency slowly becomes worthless as the government spends more and prints more until inflation is a million percent and there’s increasingly worse shortages of basic luxuries, then conveniences, then necessities, until people start rioting in the streets over crusts of bread. Nope! I plan to declare the dollar worthless on day one and replace it with trillions and trillions of Bernie Bucks which will be even more completely worthless. I expect to be able to start cracking down on food rioters before my first State of the Union Address.”

“Now, some of you will wonder why I’m saying this out loud,” said Sanders, a contemptuous smile curling his lip. “Won’t this scare people off? Get me labelled as a political pariah? Possibly a power-mad sociopath? Pfffft! Evidently you haven’t met my voter base. They’ve read history books. They’ve heard the statistics on how many people socialism has killed. They’ve read news stories about the brutality and deprivation in North Korea, Cuba, and Venezuela. They can see it for themselves any time they want. But they don’t want. So if they can ignore the very evidence of their eyes to believe that socialism is a good idea, I’m pretty sure that every ear that hears these words is getting ignored, too.”

“Until I say this part,” Sanders said, throwing both fists into the air. “Each and every one of you who believe my promises will end up with me, in the ruling elite, on the safe side of the billy clubs and rubber bullets and not one of you will go hungry. Ever! I promise you this. Socialism is the answer. The only question is ‘will you give me the power to make that answer a reality?'”

“Vote Sanders 2020. Thank you.”


< Democrats Push for ‘Gun New Deal’ to Try to Bring Dangerously High Firearm Ownership Down to 1791 Levels

Straight Line of the Day: Among the Things You’ll See in the Straight Pride Parade…

Works like this: I feed you Moon Nukers a straight line, and you hit me with a punch line in the comments.

Among the things you’ll see in the Straight Pride parade

The Illustrated Frank J: Face Off


Ask IMAO Anything: Answers #16

It’s another week and another round of answers.

Most of the questions you left last time were answered by others, including:

  • walruskkkch
  • Happy Fun Ball
  • tankdemon
  • FormerHostage
  • Veeshir
  • Oppo
  • DamnCat
  • HokieGomer

Bacon to you all!

These are the questions that weren’t answered.

Bob B
Bob B: Is there really anything left to ask?

There are definitely more questions. And, there are always more answers. Perhaps it would be best if I gave you some examples. So, here’s what we’re gonna do.

We’re gonna turn the tables real quick, and I’ll ask some questions. And, you — any of you really — give your answers. In order to keep things straight, use the hashtags I offer with each, or quote my question in your response. That way, everyone knows what question you’re answering.

  • Why Doesn’t McDonald’s Sell Hotdogs? #McWeiner
  • At A Movie Theater Which Arm Rest Is Yours? #Movies
  • What Is Satan’s Last Name? #Satan
  • Why Is The Lone Ranger Called “Lone” If He Always Has His Indian Friend Tonto With Him? #LoneRanger
  • Is There A Time Limit On Fortune Cookie Predictions? #FortuneCookies
  • Why Does The Easter Bunny Carry Eggs? #EasterBunny
  • Why Is The Heart Symbol Not Shaped Like The Organ? #Heart

See? There are all kinds of questions you can ask. You don’t have to try to think of a question that’s really a joke masquerading as a question. You can, if you want, but you don’t have to. Any question at all will do. That’s what the “anything” part of “Ask IMAO Anything” means: anything.

Huh. I don’t see any more questions that weren’t answered. One question. One whole question that wasn’t answered. And, even then, there were responses, but not really answers. Not directly. I mean, some took it and ran with it, but I answered it here anyway. If I hadn’t, I wouldn’t have any to answer. And I wanna answer questions. After all, I have all this knowledge inside of me just wanting to get out.

Wait. Maybe that’s gas.

Yep, definitely gas. I’m glad this is a blog and not … Tell you what. Let’s just not speak of this again.

So, I’ll conclude with a reminder that you can Ask IMAO Anything. Just leave your question in the comments. Or, email us at

Questions in the comments will likely be answered in the comments, if the last few weeks have shown us anything. Those that aren’t answered, or that may need further clarification, I’ll answer next time. And, I’ll answer the questions that are emailed to us.

Ask IMAO Anything. Because we know everything. And more.

You Ungrateful Wretch

Madonna: “DEATH TO THE PATRIARCHY woven deep into the fabric of Society. I will never stop fighting to eradicate it.”

I agree. Any system that would allow Madonna to still be famous 35 years after she’s done anything entertaining absolutely needs to be destroyed.