Tuesday Night Open Thread

Old songs are the best.

[The YouTube]

What’s been on your mind? Got something you’d like to share? A topic to discuss? It’s Tuesday Night Open Thread.

Who wants to start?

Nostalgia Bug Done Bit Me

Criticizing the idea of electing Joe Biden, Robert Francis “Beto” O’Rourke said that “You cannot go back to the end of the Obama administration and think that’s good enough.

Absolutely. I’m all for going back the end of Carter’s and the 12 years that followed.

First Name Dark. Last Name Phoenix

[Dark Phoenix Pitch Meeting] (Viewer #599,786)

Once again, I am validated in my choice to check out of the X-Men franchise years ago.

Link of the Day: Call It a Late Memorial Day Present

[High Praise! to Musings of a Stretcher Ape]

What is this “Memorial Day”?

I’d never heard this story before, and I’m grateful that I have now.

[Think you have a link that’s IMAO-worthy? Send it to harvolson@gmail.com. If I use your link, you will receive High Praise! (assuming you remember to put your name in the email)]

Trump Truths: UFO

Eyewitnesses report seeing a mysterious white UFO hovering over Area 51. Nobody knows what it was, but President Trump has already signed an executive order deregulating it.

This Is the Expression I Want on Her Face Every Day She’s in Congress

[High Praise! to Freedom Is Just Another Word]

San Francisco Holds Nation’s First Plastic Straw Buyback Event

Are you a victim of propaganda from Big Straw?

SAN FRANCISCO (AP) – As part of an effort to raise awareness of and generate support for California’s recent legislation banning plastic straws, the city of San Francisco held a plastic straw buyback event to help “rid our streets of these tubular menaces to society.”

San Francisco Mayor London Breed explained why her city made this extraordinary effort to wake people up to the all-too-serious threat from plastic straws.

“It is a well-presumed fact that plastic straws are responsible for thousands, perhaps tens of thousands of deaths every year in California,” said Mayor Breed. “Now, admittedly, some studies show that buyback programs don’t actually have an impact on, well, anything, but that’s not important.”

“There are all kinds of studies that say all kinds of different things,” the mayor said. “Our point here is, there are straws on the streets of our city. We are signaling folks out there, we don’t care if its Grandpa’s straw or your straw, we want it.”

San Francisco City Administrator Naomi Kelly discussed the driving force behind the event.

“Nobody really NEEDS a plastic straw,” said Kelly, “but America is just saturated with all this straw culture and iconic straw imagery. What’s the definition of young love? Two teens using straws to drink out of the same ice cream soda. What’s the definition of somewhat older young love? Two men dueling over a woman. With swords. Which are long and skinny like straws. The imagery is everywhere and inescapable. Plus, the straw industry targets their marketing to innocent little children with juice boxes and drink pouches, all of which come with pointy little – that’s right – plastic straws. Do you know how many kids have their eyes put out with these things every year? Probably none, but they COULD. And these are just a gateway straw to harder straw use, like McDonald’s or bendy-straws. No child is safe. We have to save the children!”

San Francisco Police Chief William “Bill” Scott said the buyback was “a qualified success.”

“Well, we did get a lot of participation, but I’m not sure it was the kind the Mayor had in mind,” said Scott. “I think she was imagining we’d get buried under a pile of military-style tactical plastic straws with razor-sharp crenelations and laser sights. Or maybe fully automatic straws where a tiny pump makes it so that you don’t actually have to suck on it, you just put your mouth on the end. Well, we got zero of those kinds, since they don’t actually exist. Mostly we got straws that were bent or cracked or chewed on. Stuff homeless people would reject.”

“But,” sighed Scott, “since Her Honor was coughing up actual cash for what was essentially a pile of garbage, well, she got her photo op, I got my overtime pay, and somewhere a little girl just dumped an orange soda down the front of her dress because she wasn’t old enough to drink out of a cup. Should put THAT picture on the Mayor’s campaign posters.”

[IMAO Ace Reporters Walruskkkch and Blarg contributed to this story]


< New Blame-a-Lyzer App Automatically Determines Who Deserves to Have You Blame Them for Your Problems

Straight Line of the Day: Scientists Are Now Saying That Fast Food Causes…

Works like this: I feed you Moon Nukers a straight line, and you hit me with a punch line in the comments.

Scientists are now saying that fast food causes

The Illustrated Frank J: Does Your Milkshake Have Something to Say to Me?

[title reference link]


IMAO Reader Survey #31

The best-selling authors of all time are William Shakespeare, with over 4 billion sold, followed closely by Agatha Christie, who also has around 4 billion editions sold. With numbers like that, it’s obvious that good fiction attracts large followings. Which brings us to our question today:

Who is your favorite fiction author?

  • Bernie Sanders' speechwriter (40%, 29 Votes)
  • Other (Provide details in the comments) (32%, 23 Votes)
  • Frank J. Fleming (11%, 8 Votes)
  • Neil Gaiman (7%, 5 Votes)
  • George R. R. Martin (5%, 4 Votes)
  • Stephen King (4%, 3 Votes)
  • J. K. Rowling (1%, 1 Votes)

Total Voters: 73

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Drink It In

Texas just passed a law making it legal for kids to run lemonade stands.

It’s sad that we need laws allowing free markets. I’d rather that be the assumed default, and have laws providing severe penalties for anyone who messes with it.