Monday Night Open Thread

It’s Monday Night Open Thread.

But first, a word from our sponsor.

[The YouTube]

Now, what’s on your mind? Got something you’d like to share? You pick what we talk about tonight because, as we said, it’s Monday Night Open Thread.

Who wants to start?

The Most Dangerous Game

Russia says it has developed a brand new combat laser weapon.

A very serious threat. They could swarm our military bases with millions of playful cats.

Wait… Do Kids Today Even Know What a Mercury Thermometer Is?

[Making Mercury Thermometers | Lost & Found Nº2 | British Pathé] (Viewer #8,563)

That is not how I would’ve guessed that they were made. Not even remotely.

Link of the Day: Pegging Down AOC and Joe Biden

[High Praise! to Stilton’s Place]

Stupidity on Parade

BONUS LINK – This just makes me smile inside:

Grandmother, 75, Holds Car Theft Suspect At Gunpoint Until Deputies Arrive

[Think you have a link that’s IMAO-worthy? Send it to If I use your link, you will receive High Praise! (assuming you remember to put your name in the email)]

Trump Truths: Uranium

President Trump warned Iran that if they don’t shut down their reckless use of enriched uranium, a lot of Iranians could die from radiation poisoning. And flash burns.

Libs (Poem)

It’s instructive to
Libs, destructive,
State their hate.

Will not stop
Until they’re done
Repri-demanding everyone.

Hate dissent:
What they won’t tolerate.

Their earth is scorched, anti-religious,
Unsettled, torched, triggered, litigious.

Which brings us where
We’ve gotten to:
They’re out there
And they hate you.

You’re Insulting Everyone With This

Clickbait headline from Mental Floss (which site is flawless 99% of the time)

26 Amazing Books by LGBTQ+ Authors You Should Add to Your Bookshelf

If the books are amazing, why would I care about their alphabet soup status?

Or are you lying about the books being amazing just to promote a social agenda?

Either way, that headline is a shameful embarrassment.

Pete Buttigieg on Guns: “I Will Task the Department of Defense With Creating More Effective Gun Free Zone Signs”

“Apparently the first thing we need to do is make the signs bulletproof”

COLUMBIA, SC (AP) – At a town hall-style meeting in South Carolina, Pete Buttigieg promised to address the problem of mass shootings from a different angle by tasking the Department of Defense with creating “gun free zone” signs that are more effective at keeping guns out of the areas where they’re posted.

Struggling to maintain 4th place in the polls behind Biden, Sanders, and Warren, Buttigieg said he’s taking a “fresh approach to the problem,” one which he thinks will differentiate him from the rest of the Democrat pack as primary season approaches.

Town hall attendee Beatrice Taylor, who admitted that she finds Buttigieg’s Neumanesque appearance “quite charming,” asked the candidate, “these mass shootings I keep hearing about in the news are just awful! And they always seem to happen in gun free zones, just like that latest one in Virginia Beach. What’s your plan for stopping that?”

“I’m glad you asked about that,” Buttigieg responded. “Gun crime in this great nation of ours is an epidemic of such vast proportions that I consider it a national security threat. Therefore, as President, I will act immediately to task the Department of Defense with doing two things: One – finding out why gun free zone signs don’t work. And two, sparing no expense to design a more effective gun free zone sign that actually DOES work.”

Peter Pettigrew, a shill who’d been paid by the campaign to pose as “undecided” and empowered to toss out hard-but-not-hostile questions, asked Buttigieg “I don’t understand. Signs don’t shoot people, guns do. Guns are the problem. Why aren’t you going to get rid of all the guns like all the other Democrat candidates who you’re trying to differentiate yourself from?”

“I’m glad you asked about that,” Buttigieg responded, pretending not to recognize Jones from the pre-meeting brief. “Some of the other candidates have already given up on gun free zone signs as the best way to prevent mass shootings, but these people are overlooking one important fact: at every mass shooting, gun free zone signs are 99% effective. They disarm every person in the building except the shooter himself. Now, if we can find a way to make these signs just 1% more effective, we can finally leave mass shootings in the dustbin of history once and for all.”

Amid the stunned silence of every Democrat in the room struggling to follow the complex mathematics involved in Buttigieg’s answer, audience member Billy Ray Valentine – a homeless person who just came into the building looking to dig aluminum cans out of the trash – rubbed his chin thoughtfully and piped up, “isn’t the real problem that only law-abiding people actually obey signs, and they ain’t the ones shooting people?”

“I’m glad you asked about that,” Buttigieg responded, giving security a pre-arranged ‘get him out of here!’ hand-signal. “I’m afraid you’re a victim of NRA propaganda. The real reason why gun free zone signs aren’t 100% effective is, well, we don’t know why. Is it the size? The shape? The color? The material of the sign itself? Is it the font? Should we use Comic Sans instead of Arial? See, we just don’t know. All I know is that the Department of Defense kept me alive while I was serving in Afghanistan, so I think it just makes sense to let them use all their keeping-safe powers to provide us with a solution to this problem as well.”

“The bottom line,” concluded Buttigieg, “is that we need to do this because REAL gun free zone signs have never been tried.”


< Beto O’Rourke: “I Believe In the Virtues Of Honesty, Hard Work, Perseverance, and Leveraging the Coercive Power of Government to Forcibly Empty Other People’s Wallets Into A Big Pile Of Money That I Control”

Straight Line of the Day: Caption Trump Dog!

(pic submitted by slapout [High Praise!])

Works like this: I feed you Moon Nukers a straight line, and you hit me with a punch line in the comments. Usually.

Today is picture day.

Caption Trump Dog!

The Illustrated Frank J: Handsome Like Quasimodo


Ask IMAO Anything: #Answers 20

Most of your questions sent in to Ask IMAO Anything were already answered. The crack team that provided the answers included:

  • HokieGomer
  • FormerHostage
  • Happy Fun Ball
  • tankdemon
  • walruskkkch

Bacon to you one and all!

Now for the questions that were not answered.

walruskkkch: When somebody loves you is it no good unless they love you all the way?

That’s what Sammy Cahn wrote. But if he was so smart, how come he’s dead?

Oppo: The Pogo Possum comic strip featured a character named Molester Mole. Could he have gotten away with that mild jest today?

The name was pronounced as “mole-ster” (rhymes with “pollster”), and was based on a Democrat Senator. Today, it would still be appropriate for him to be named after a Democrat, and would indeed be pronounced “molester,” as in Joe Biden.

Harvey: Will you answer questions even if they don’t end with a question mark.

What is “Yes, but my answers will be in the form of a question?”

HokieGomer: Seeing as the VP is such a VIP, shouldn’t we keep the VP’s PC on the QT?


FormerHostage: Oxford comma. Where do you stand?

It is good and proper, and not using it is a mortal sin. Or at least it’s a really bad idea to not use it. So use it. Always. Otherwise, you might be confused if you found out that some of the biggest influences on my politics were my parents, Ronald Reagan and Margaret Thatcher.

All of the other questions submitted were answered. Thanks again to those that helped.

Remember that you can Ask IMAO Anything. Just leave your question in the comments, or email us at

Questions in the comments will likely be answered in the comments; those that aren’t answered, or that may need further clarification, I’ll answer next time. I’ll also answer the questions that are emailed to us.

Ask IMAO Anything. Because we know everything.

We Know Why He’s Worried

Speaking on Trump’s handling of the current Iran crisis, Chuck Schumer said “we’re worried that he and the administration may bumble into a war.”

…and win.