Thursday Night Open Thread

Never was a big fan of The Police. The group. I also knew some actual police. Some of them were okay, and some of them were jerks. Just like everybody else everywhere else. Never met any of the band The Police, and I never bought any of their albums. I heard enough on the radio.

Yeah, some of their stuff was okay, but some of it was background noise.

[The YouTube]

What’s been on your mind? Got something you’d like to share? A topic to discuss? It’s Thursday Night Open Thread.

Who wants to start?

Easy Fix

A Washington Post op-ed claims that “the United States is responsible for the humanitarian catastrophe” in Venezuela.

They’re right, and we have a responsibility to try to fix it. Have they tried socialism? We could loan them Bernie Sanders.

Your Beatles Album Is Coming to Get You

[Photo Wake-Up: 3D Character Animation from a Single Photo] (Viewer #344,969)

Deepfake just got deepfaker

Link of the Day: You Should Feel Uplifted After This

[High Praise! to According to Hoyt]

You Hold My Life In Your Hands

[Think you have a link that’s IMAO-worthy? Send it to If I use your link, you will receive High Praise! (assuming you remember to put your name in the email)]

Trump Truths: Free

Under heavy pressure from his campaign manager to match the Democrats by offering something “free”, President Trump offered the American people freedom. Then fired his campaign manager for being an idiot socialist.

“Industry’ll Decrease” (Song Parody)

[To the tune of “Industrial Disease” by Dire Straits]

The polity was crucified sleeping at its post
Refusing to be pacified, they now get blamed the most.
The watchdog is not media, it’s me and you and these
Dire straightforward warnings that industry will cease.

Swallowing Kamala, but straining at gnats
Dems aren’t sympathetic in pathetic p**** hats.
Some blame the man in charge, some his Brooklynese,
All want higher taxes, but industry’ll decrease.

The work force is disgusted with fools and their talk
Impudence rewarded; experience just walks.
Every Dem is damaged, everyone agrees
The Pubs are not much better: lie down with dogs, get fleas.

MTV and NBC lay about and curse.
Their Resistance is useless, but their remedies are worse.
History’s leftovers left an odor on the breeze
With socialist intervention, industry’s deceased.

I Think Biden Should Run on Obama’s Legacy, Kinda Like Mondale Did on Carter’s. I Would Expect Similar Electoral Results

[High Praise! to The Daily Gouge]

[title reference link]

Elizabeth Warren Sets ‘Jeopardy!’ Loss Record After Buzzing in With “What Is a New Government Program?” Every Time

“The answer is: this Massachusetts Senator should really stop talking because everything she says is just making things worse”

CULVER CITY, CA (AP) – Hot on the heels of ‘Jeopardy!’ champion James Holzhauer’s 33-game, $2.5 million winning streak, Democrat Presidential candidate Elizabeth Warren appeared on the show to set a record of her own. In Warren’s case, though, it was pretty much the exact opposite of Holzhauer’s run, as Warren defied all odds by actually obtaining the lowest theoretical possible score of -$58,000 by offering “what is a new government program?” as her response every time she buzzed in first, which she did every time host Alex Trebek read an answer.

During a post-game interview, Warren seemed baffled by the turn of events.

“I don’t understand,” said Warren. “I phrased it in the form of a question every time, didn’t I? See? I even phrased THAT as a question! How could I be wrong? Maybe I should’ve mixed it up a little with “what is banning guns?” or “what is raising taxes?” but, well, a new government program has been my answer to everything for so long, I just assumed it would work as my question, too.”

While the game itself was painful to watch – both for Warren’s increasingly aghast-looking fellow contestants as well as for audience members whose boos and catcalls had become almost deafening by the end of the game – some scenes from the taping have leaked out and gone viral. Most notably, perhaps, the closing exchange between Warren and host Alex Trebek:

TREBEK: I’m sorry, Elizabeth, but since your score is negative… PROFOUNDLY negative… you are not eligible to participate in Final Jeopardy

WARREN: Thanks, Alex. I had fun. You’re a good American

TREBEK: Actually, I’m Canadian. And you’re an idiot.

WARREN: Really? I’m 1/1024th Canadian! 23andMe says so!

TREBEK: Then I assume the other 1023 parts are idiot?

WARREN: 1022. There’s some Cherokee in there, too


< Bombshell New Climate Change Study Disproving Connection Between Human Activity and Global Temperature Burned At Stake By AOC

Straight Line of the Day: Elizabeth Warren Is Proposing Universal Free Public College. Classes Will Include…

Works like this: I feed you Moon Nukers a straight line, and you hit me with a punch line in the comments.

Elizabeth Warren is proposing universal free public college. Classes will include…

The Illustrated Frank J: This Is How We’ll Know It’s Really Important to You, Not by Your Incessant Whining


IMAO Reader Survey #34

Some people love the summer. Others the winter. Others, spring or fall. Whatever your favorite season, there’s a holiday. Which brings us to today’s survey question:

What is your favorite holiday?

  • Any day I don't have to go to work (31%, 35 Votes)
  • Christmas (27%, 31 Votes)
  • Thanksgiving (23%, 26 Votes)
  • Independence Day (11%, 13 Votes)
  • Other (Provide details in the comments) (7%, 8 Votes)
  • Easter (1%, 1 Votes)

Total Voters: 114

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They Can Try

A new Project Veritas report appears to show Google’s plans to affect the outcome of the 2020 elections and “prevent” the next “Trump situation.”

Good idea. Because whatever they did to try to prevent the last Trump situation worked out pretty well. They should do more of that.