Ask IMAO Anything: #Answers 20

Most of your questions sent in to Ask IMAO Anything were already answered. The crack team that provided the answers included:

  • HokieGomer
  • FormerHostage
  • Happy Fun Ball
  • tankdemon
  • walruskkkch

Bacon to you one and all!

Now for the questions that were not answered.

walruskkkch: When somebody loves you is it no good unless they love you all the way?

That’s what Sammy Cahn wrote. But if he was so smart, how come he’s dead?

Oppo: The Pogo Possum comic strip featured a character named Molester Mole. Could he have gotten away with that mild jest today?

The name was pronounced as “mole-ster” (rhymes with “pollster”), and was based on a Democrat Senator. Today, it would still be appropriate for him to be named after a Democrat, and would indeed be pronounced “molester,” as in Joe Biden.

Harvey: Will you answer questions even if they don’t end with a question mark.

What is “Yes, but my answers will be in the form of a question?”

HokieGomer: Seeing as the VP is such a VIP, shouldn’t we keep the VP’s PC on the QT?


FormerHostage: Oxford comma. Where do you stand?

It is good and proper, and not using it is a mortal sin. Or at least it’s a really bad idea to not use it. So use it. Always. Otherwise, you might be confused if you found out that some of the biggest influences on my politics were my parents, Ronald Reagan and Margaret Thatcher.

All of the other questions submitted were answered. Thanks again to those that helped.

Remember that you can Ask IMAO Anything. Just leave your question in the comments, or email us at

Questions in the comments will likely be answered in the comments; those that aren’t answered, or that may need further clarification, I’ll answer next time. I’ll also answer the questions that are emailed to us.

Ask IMAO Anything. Because we know everything.


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