“Industry’ll Decrease” (Song Parody)

[To the tune of “Industrial Disease” by Dire Straits]

The polity was crucified sleeping at its post
Refusing to be pacified, they now get blamed the most.
The watchdog is not media, it’s me and you and these
Dire straightforward warnings that industry will cease.

Swallowing Kamala, but straining at gnats
Dems aren’t sympathetic in pathetic p**** hats.
Some blame the man in charge, some his Brooklynese,
All want higher taxes, but industry’ll decrease.

The work force is disgusted with fools and their talk
Impudence rewarded; experience just walks.
Every Dem is damaged, everyone agrees
The Pubs are not much better: lie down with dogs, get fleas.

MTV and NBC lay about and curse.
Their Resistance is useless, but their remedies are worse.
History’s leftovers left an odor on the breeze
With socialist intervention, industry’s deceased.

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