Random Thoughts: NICU and Student Debt

Juneteenth probably should be a federal holiday. Could replace another; never really understood what Labor Day is.
Speaking practically, though, we need more holidays in the first half of the year. That’s a big holiday barren wasteland.
And give Harriet Tubman her $20. I dare say, she deserves it more than anybody. This is supposed to be the land of the free, and that’s what she fought for it in the most oppressive of conditions.

I’ve lost of track of who we’re supposed to be surprised by when we see them act like a mindless partisan hack.

Everyone wants to murder the goose that lays the golden eggs because it squawks too much or something.

They should issue every American a badge. That way if bad things go down while you’re in another country, you can just pull out a gun and if anyone looks at you funny, you hold up your badge and say, “It’s okay; I’m an American.”

Paid off the NICU bill. The baby is officially ours now!
I remember when Winchester was in the NICU and for a moment thought about how this was really going to hit our savings. And then I realized how stupid that thought was because what in the world was I saving for more important than this?
There’s a train of thought that things like health care are so important that we shouldn’t have to pay for them, but I’m not sure that’s wise. It’s probably good to directly pay for the important things. It’s a blessing of the money we make in this modern world.
I mean, how many people in the past wish they had the option to pay money to keep their children from dying? That’s not something to take for granted.

The left are really condemning themselves arguing that Obama was running a concentration camp but they didn’t feel like mentioning it until now.

“But avoid foolish and ignorant disputes, knowing that they generate strife.” 2 Timothy 2:23

Maybe the modern left is so bad it makes Biden wistful for segregationists.

Killing people in response to a drone being destroyed does seem disproportional. I’m not sure what you do, though. Maybe break into the homes of all the leaders and smash their stereo systems.

“How many people will this kill?”
“150, sir.”
“How much did that drone cost?”
“$240 million.”
*Trump does some quick math, counting on his fingers*
“That’s only worth killing a eighty people over. Call it off!”

Maybe you should reexamine your universal health care system when it’s constantly ordering the death of people’s kids.

There are a number of things missing in Breath of the Wild that I’d like them to include in its sequel.
1. Fishing pole
That is all.


I feel like I’m in crazy town. The problem is that college costs have skyrocketed versus inflation due to government interference in loans, and the solution people are proposing is to have the government pay off those loans, giving colleges even less incentive to cut costs.
There would be no student debt crisis if colleges hadn’t been fueled into an inflation of costs. If you’re talking about loans and nothing about making colleges reduce costs, despite all you posturing about caring about students, you are a bad person and making things worse.

I don’t care for my wife’s new policy that giant wolf spiders are to placed outside alive since there is only one person in the house thought qualified to wrangle giant spiders.

If you ask, Kamala Harris is legally required to tell you she’s a cop.

Pretty much everyone who opposes abortion opposes it for the extremely obvious reasons. If you feel the need to pretend they’re not sincere, then it’s your viewpoint that isn’t on solid footing.

The only way I’ll be for forgiving students loans is if it’s the colleges paying back the money.

I am a wise Gen Xer, and have seen many things in my four decades on this earth. Please listen attentively as I lecture you.

AOC is very stupid, but she is a politician and thus also very dishonest. But since she’s so stupid, she’s dishonest in a very transparent way. She’s the Jussie Smollett of politics.

In fairness, it seems like there’s few criticisms of her that don’t also apply to Trump.

Women soccer players should earn the same as male soccer players: nothing. Why would we pay people to play soccer?


  1. Juneteenth probably should be a federal holiday. Could replace another; never really understood what Labor Day is.

    Every month should have a federal holiday. March, April, June and August do not. January and November have two.

  2. The only way I’ll be for forgiving students loans is if it’s the colleges paying back the money.

    All student loans should come out of the attendee’s institutional endowment fund. Let the colleges work out getting their money back.

  3. There are a number of things missing in Breath of the Wild that I’d like them to include in its sequel.
    1. Fishing pole
    That is all.

    Batch cooking of food/potions instead of only one-at-a-time.

  4. AOC is very stupid, but she is a politician and thus also very dishonest. But since she’s so stupid, she’s dishonest in a very transparent way. She’s the Jussie Smollett of politics.

    I think she, as many liberals as well, are not necessarily stupid but are caught in a stupid loop. She says something stupid, hears it and also hears supporting words which makes her think her stupidity is supportable which creates more stupid thinking which she expresses and the loop is thus complete and reinforcing.

  5. Women soccer players should earn the same as male soccer players: nothing. Why would we pay people to play soccer?

    I disagree. Partly.
    I think they should make the same as Male soccer players if they compete against Male soccer players first and then make nothing because soccer players should not earn anything, Same result, different course to get there.

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