Words to the Wise Guys

[Based on actual quotes from Donald Trump’s Twitter feed.]

“Any attack by Iran
“On anything American
“Will be met” Trump wrote, as a matter of course
“With great and overwhelming force.”

“In some areas,” (it deserved reiteration)
“Overwhelming will mean obliteration.”
Then, in a political version of “Yo Mama”
He added
“No more John Kerry & Obama!”

“Iran leadership doesn’t understand
“The power of words” (which he has well in hand)
“The words ‘nice’ or ‘compassion’ —
“They never have” he added, in Trumpian fashion.

“Sadly, the thing they do understand
“Is Strength and Power” (also at his command);
“The USA is by far” (where its flag is unfurled)
“The most powerful Military Force in the world.”

“With 1.5 Trillion Dollars invested”
(On an array of weapons proven and tested)
“Over the last two years,” he added, “alone”!
And with that, he dropped the pen and the phone.

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